Sunday, February 23, 2020

Wholesome Memes and Moments to Restore some Sanity

Funny and nice wholesome memes | excited/accomplished faces avalanche rescue dogs finding their patient buried snow during search drills. four dogs looking down a snowy hole. Buckle up ones love person taking selfie in a car with a tiny kitten strapped safely in the passenger seat

Sometimes it seems like the world is trying to bring you down, but it's healthy to keep things in perspective with wholesome memes and moments to fill up that health bar. So kick your fears and doubts in the crotch with some blessed images to light up the world with wholesome.

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Important Details Clients Neglected To Tell Lawyers

Important details that clients failed to let lawyers know about | reddit post WoodenDeck Defendant written cell phone ticket while driving and defended himself honor not using smart phone while driving actually using flip phone Guilty

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share the important details that clients neglected to tell lawyers. If anything it's a fascinating study in how important it can be to not leave anything out, if you ever find yourself hiring a lawyer. The devil really is in the details. Just don't lie to your lawyer. 

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Tumblr Thread Explains That People Can't Identify Flirting

Tumblr thread talks about how hard it is for people to identify flirting | tumblr post number times have been delighted by witty banter only find out later Flirting is both unfortunate and disappointing. teaboot haha so about guy, huh

Apparently it's pretty hard for people to guess the difference between flirting and just regular goofing around. So don't feel bad for being horrible at seeing the signs, you might just be bad at identifying them like the rest of us. Tumblr is a creative powerhouse of funny nuggets of gold, including poking fun at the adorable quirks of humans.

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Tumblr Thread: The Art Of BS In The Service Industry

Short Tumblr thread about how people can be artificially nice in the service industry | tumblr post punlich One time used my retail voice on coworker and she like Don't use customer voice on know dead inside like rest us s just frightening and weird

This quick Tumblr thread explores the artificial niceties provided by people working in the service industry. Don't let those smiles fool you for being a reflection of the employees' honest mood. People can really flip a switch when it comes to how they treat customers and what they're like outside the confines of the job's rules of conduct. 

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Twitter Thread: Guy Accidentally Orders The IKEA Of Sweaters

Guy accidentally orders the IKEA of sweaters and shares a Twitter thread about the experience | tweet by Dan Sheehan @ltsDanSheehan Losing my mind because ordered thought very affordable wool sweater (like Chris Evans Knives Out obviously Norwegian website and got raw materials necessary create said sweater myself obra per kan vaskes hånd elle maskin på ullprogram. Bru ulvaskemiddel, Einul fra norske merinosaun eine Na som ge den gode das Merino et egner seg godt både oving og farging. Lebrasa

Dan Sheehan's unintentional yarn purchase went on to inspire a wonderfully punny Twitter thread. The most impressive part about this ridiculous sequence of events, is how Mr. Sheehan managed to summon the drive to try and knit the sweater in the first place. His intentions were understandable from the start though. Chris Evans did rock the hell out of that cable-knit sweater in Knives Out. 

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Rare Insults That Deflated Bulbous Egos

Collection of creative insults that crushed people's egos | who ever made this hope audio on tv is always 3 seconds off hope socks are constantly wet and hope every table sit at one leg is shorter than rest.

Ah, yes, more creative insults that we haven't heard before. With the online world being a stage of people trading bits of banter, it's fun to see people adopt an unexpected approach toward what they'll dispense as an insult. These are brutal as they are original. 

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Tenant With No Air Conditioning Does Research, Revenges With Fines

Tenant with no air-conditioning does research about apartment regulations, and revenges with fines | reddit r/ProRevenge RuralRogue No Air Conditioning, enjoy fines Back 1993 had just graduated college. Since there wasn't any jobs anywhere near my home town moved Dallas area had small bit money left college, but knew wouldn't last found and rented cheapest apartment could find.

This tenant decided to take matters into their own hands, regarding a busted A/C situation. As it turns out, their research ended up resulting in a satisfying tidal wave of fines that came crashing back down on the very people that wouldn't fix the thing to begin with. Addressing the concerns of tenants can end up sparing these cheap landlords and property managers in the long run. 

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Employee Discovers Food Allergy At Company Potluck

An employee discovers that they're allergic to bananas while at the company potluck | reddit post TIFU by not realizing allergic bananas, and making my coworkers think l'm dumbass This didn't just happen, this about year ago staff my office 95% southern ladies over 65 years old. They were mostly retired, working part time as office staff. And they LOVED potlucks, they lived them point where had one pretty much every month.

This employee came to learn what constitutes a food allergy, a bit later than they might have expected. The tingling that their brain had registered as perfectly "normal" was an allergic response to the bananas they were eating. Their co-workers must've gotten a kick out of the revelation. 

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Moments of Facepalm to Boost that Self-Esteem

Funny moments of people being ignorant | did beyonce go #1 100 countries there's only 7? africa, europe, asia and cant remember rest

Wash your hands and get them ready to meet our face. Moments like these are ones where you wish with all your might that people are joking. Then you think about all the ignorance you've seen in person and you realize they're probably not. For another self-esteem boost, here are some more daunting moments of disappointing facepalm.

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People Share Their School's "Incident"

Askreddit stories of crazy things that happened at school | reddit posted by Mad_as_a_Lorry Principal found weed boys bathroom. Called an assembly and told us had vote who think think principals son got like 98 votes. Suddenly voting system wasn't valid didn't even coordinate everyone had same idea at once and glorious

Just about everyone had some crazy stuff go down in their high school days. Whether it was stupid, scary or just bizarre, these absurd school incidents will live on with us for the rest of our lives. Sometimes it was an act of rebellion that made people lose it.

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Guy Has Crush On Bartender, Forgets To Pay Tab, She Responds

guy forgets to pay tab and the bartender he has a crush on texts him | Hey Matt s Gina, really quick just have tell didn't pay bill Lmao l'm drad Dead Sorry thought did

This guy's initial failure to make good on a tab at the bar, ended up resulting in the very bartender he had a crush on, reaching out to him. Is he doomed or are we witnessing the start of what could end up being a newfound fling? Forgetting to pay your tab isn't exactly the perfect start to making a good impression upon a bartender that you have a crush on.  

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Wrongful Times People Were Misjudged

Various times that people were misjudged | reddit posted by LotusPrince Not but my brother he elementary school grades are based on things other than test scores teacher noted on his report card he needs work on his skill at cutting with scissors. My brother is left-handed, and scissors classroom were right-handed people.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share their experiences with being on the receiving end of wrongful, premature judgments. Judgments are absolutely not always grounded in what is. It's remarkable how many of us can give ourselves over to what thoughts come into our minds, about what defines someone else. 

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Employee Asks For Raise, Company Forbids Employees from Discussing Pay

Boss forbids people discussing salaries and threatens to fire those who ask for raises | lieu an all store meeting 8:46 AM wanted have face face meeting with everyone regarding this, but schedules just don't allow s important enough get this information everyone clarity. Just have been hearing some noise and want make sure everyone understands and is on same page If have ANY issue/question regards salary/incentives/benefits there are 2 people can speak with is an understood rule within workplace

When the topic of raises came up, this store manager decided to send out a company-wide email forbidding employees from openly discussing their salaries. The problem there is that that violates labor laws, and this genius decided to put their policy into writing. An unfair boss can be the source of drama and justice, like this security guard who go the last laugh or this manager who tried to fire an employee for following the rules.

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Tagged: salary , boss , job , email , work , pay , ridiculous , idiots , stupid

Dude Drives Car In Third Gear For Years Without Knowing It

Guy drives car in third gear for years without realizing it | TIFU by driving my car 3rd gear four years realized my fuck up today, but 's been going on since day bought my car four years ago. Every time go drive my (automatic) car always slide gear shifter all way down and left and go driving. All is well drive on highway most time and tbh past two summers l've been making 50km commute one way pretty much daily.

This dude realized they'd been driving their car in third gear, for years, without having a clue about it. Bit of a humbling moment, to be sure. I guess, better to learn late than never!

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