These images are a sweet combination of unsettlingly cursed and wonderfully blessed. Thus, we introduce "blursed" images. They're kind of messed up, but also strangely wholesome. Hard to put your finger on it.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
These images are a sweet combination of unsettlingly cursed and wonderfully blessed. Thus, we introduce "blursed" images. They're kind of messed up, but also strangely wholesome. Hard to put your finger on it.
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This bicyclist, who was going the wrong way, hit a pedestrian who wasn't using the crosswalk. There's an argument to be made about who was more wrong, but these guys didn't have it. They had a very short conversation about their predicament and went their separate ways.
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Twitter users are sharing bits of baby boomer advice that aged terribly into 2019. Some things just don't stand the test of time. At all really.
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Jimmy Fallon asked various Twitter users to share their favorite burns. The resulting wave of tweets is a shockwave of pure savagery. People can get really mean and creative with their words when you give them enough time to drop that rare insult.
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This moron decided to pay in counterfeit bills, and thought he got away with $400 of gas. Little did he know that people can actually remember faces. Fast forward a little over a month down the road, and he returns to the same spot he stole the gas from. From there, it was a smooth revenge of calling the cops and busting him for breaking the law.
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Mom groups have an uncanny knack for preaching this ideal of "no judgment" while they judge the sh*t out of everyone else online. Outside of that we have some prime parenting fails, and generally ridiculous behavior from moms just trying to navigate the ins and outs of the wild social media world.
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Extreme trashiness can arise from every level of society. It can come from the mom who leaves dirty diapers on a McDonald's counter to the rich jerk who parks his super car over four handicapped parking spots. Everywhere there are people, there's some selfish folks who think they can do whatever miserable thing they want. Sometimes humanity is not on its A-game.
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Here are some things that some of us do all the time, but still feel like we're being put under scrutiny. There's also a good mix of things that really feel like they should be illegal. For some spicier ones, here are some awful things that are legal to do but still terrible.
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Winter is coming. These winter life pro tips might just help you weather the next winter storm in such a way that you're not absolutely miserable. Don't fall prey to those dangerous tricks like thinking that alcohol is actually warming you up, when it's cold as all hell outside.
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For those not in the know, "OK Boomer" is a dismissive retort often used to disregard or mock Baby Boomers and those who are perceived as old-fashioned and being out-of-touch. Part of this phenomenon is the feature that many baby boomers themselves consider this to be an ageist slur. This in turn has been seen by many as a hypocritical overreaction that has been met with more Ok Boomer Roasting on Twitter. The whole thing has stirred up more discussion and argument about age and politics. Here is a Gen-X perspective and explanation of why "ok boomer" is becoming more than just a thing people say on Twitter.
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Tinder is home to many wins, fails, horrifically awkward conversations, insane pick up lines, and phenomenal puns. Sometimes we come across joke profiles that really make the app shine. Bill is strong, sexy and knows what he wants. This even includes some brief conversations from Bill himself.
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This couple might've benefited a whole lot from thinking a bit more on whether or not it was really appropriate to ask the husband's sister about having a kid, after she'd already been vocal about having no interesting in having a kid. Yikes all around. The people of Reddit are offering their hot takes on whether or not they were in the wrong, and it sounds like this couple definitely messed up.
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When this guy was in a crazy car crash that left him on light duty, his boss wanted him to get back on the job as if he wasn't injured at all. This didn't exactly work out in his boss's favor. Sometimes power tripping bosses get what's coming, like this boss who didn't allow sick days, or this incompetent owner who fired a special contractor.
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We're back at it again with a fresh collection of people acting like absolute clueless lunatics on Quora. While some of these are surely satire, it doesn't mean that the community of Quora never fails to leave us utterly puzzled over the kinds of WTF questions they ask. Some questions are better off never asked in the first place.
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