What are you supposed to do when you've saved up a bunch of money to do a nice thing, and your own spouse just drops your awful mother-in-law into the mix, like a dog-egg into cake batter. That's a turd, by the way. A dog-egg is a turd. A dog turd.
See, this is why people need to stick to boundaries and communicate with their significant others. This woman was excited to go on a trip with her husband, just to find out day of, literally at the airport, that his mother is coming along. This one is a toss-up between who's more toxic; the spineless son who couldn't stand up to his insane mom, or the mom herself who threatened to call the cops if she couldn't go on vacation with him. One thing that seems clear is that this pair deserves each other, and this woman is just caught up in their mess. This one is a yikes all around.
For another trip-themed fiasco, here's the spoiled daughter who wanted a $30K trip as a reward, and the Dad who wanted his partner to pay for it.