Friday, January 21, 2022

Ridiculous Tweets to Browse While You Eat(s)

Enjoy this fresh collection of funny tweets as you enjoy whatever scrumptious breakfast it is that you're having.

Then check out this second helping to help cure your boredom. 

Entitled Sister Rebrand's Brother's Gifts To Her Kids, Says They're From Santa

No one likes it when someone takes credit for someone else's hard work. It's the same reason we all hate doing group projects. This guy ran into the interesting problem of his sister trying to Santa-launder his gifts to her kids. Was she just trying to save money? Did she forget to buy enough presents? This feels like the kind of issue that shouldn't be a problem among grown ups, but y'know, Karens are gonna Karen.

Contractor Gets Pushed Around By Middle Manager, Hits Them With "No"

Companies will try to suck the lifeforce out of the people they hire without even looking at the contract they signed. In this case we've got a guy who's trying to make up the rules while @birdrespecter has an ace up his sleeve: actually knowing the obligations of the contract they've signed. It led to this gem of a moment. For real wild one, here's the employee who got their vacation messed with, quit, and had their boss panicking.

Informative Twitter Thread Explains Psychology Of Emotional Permanence

AKA: Why people can feel like someone hates them if they don't get a text back right away. It's at least helpful in life to be able to put a name to a phenomenon most people have felt or witnessed. In this case it's the need for reassurance people can feel even when nothing wrong has actually really occurred. It's interesting, but also, take psychological insight from the internet with a grain of salt, because it's a big internet and everyone is different. For more psychological insight from the internet, here's one man's vulnerable thread on struggles with mental health.