When you're doing great at your job, taking on extra duties, and performing admirably, the last thing you expect is to be replaced as a cost-saving measure—especially by your boss's (presumably unqualified) daughter. But, this can happen when your profession is a necessity that your bosses don't understand… and there are certainly some old hats hanging around in various institutions who still don't quite "get" the point of social media marketing.
It's akin to the common adage about the catch-22 challenges of perception IT face… If there are no visible technical issues and no downtime, management will begin to wonder what they're financing an in-house IT team for; on the flip side, when there are visible issues and downtime, management begins wondering what they're paying an in-house IT team for if they can't "keep things running."
Marketing is one of those things that is looked at as an excess expenditure in economic downturns and slashing spending in these areas. While often one of the first options considered, this can also spell certain doom for your business in the long term.
This worker was shocked to overhear their boss proposing that their teenage daughter take over their social media duties as a means of avoiding giving them a raise. They had taken on additional duties, resulting in massive growth for the company's socials, but when they asked for a raise as compensation, the trouble started.
If you're picturing J. Jonah Jameson from Spiderman screaming at Peter Parker, "A raise?.. You want a raise? Your job is so easy; my teenage daughter could do it!" Then you're probably somewhere on the right track.
This won't be the first time an employer has made excuses for not giving workers further compensation for their contributions, performance, and willingness to take on additional work—nor will it be the last. Keep reading to see screen grabs of the Reddit thread that inspired this post, spawned by a Reddit post made by u/OVOnug, who shared their experience to Reddit's popular r/antiwork subreddit. For more, check out this worker who was reprimanded for lack of communication amongst the management team.