Saturday, June 23, 2018

15 Things That Are Definitely Not Aesthetic

Collection of things that are absolutely not aesthetic from the Facebook page.

Take a nice long look at the cringe-soaked underbelly of this heinous society. Shoutout to Things that are not aesthetic; we love their Facebook page! 

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Flat Earthers Are Shook After Elon Musk's Successful SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch

Flat earthers react on Twitter after Elon Musk's successful Falcon Heavy X launch.

Today, history was made, as one of the world's most powerful rockets successfully carried Elon Musk's red roadster (from Tesla, mind you) into a navigable orbit around Mars. Did Elon Musk want to disprove the Flat Earther theory once and for all, or what? 

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20 Subtle Ways To F**k With People's Heads During Conversations

confusing cringe mind games askreddit ridiculous - 6015749

Some of these sneaky conversational mind games are enough to drive the most stable minds a bit insane! 

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Woman Live-Tweets Cheating Boyfriend Getting Calmly Obliterated By Stoic Girlfriend

relationships live tweet cheating ridiculous breakup dramatic dating - 6014981

RIP bro...

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Angry Guy Live-Tweets Breakup With Long John Silver's

Guy live-tweets ridiculous breakup with Long John Silver's fast food restaurant.

Oh my cod, the frostiness is too real on this breakup. Guess you could say they aren't sole mates anymore....

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Cringe Through The Most Tragic Facebook Breakup Of All Time

cringe Awkward facebook social media ridiculous breakup - 6014725

We almost felt bad for laughing at this...ALMOST. 

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