A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Thursday, April 26, 2018
20 of the Pettiest Reasons People Ended Relationships
These people are the antithesis of tolerance.
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26 People Raised By Anti-Vaxxer Parents Share Their Stories
These are troubling to say the very least.
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18 Frustrated Military Candidates Share Why They Were Disqualified
The reasons are guaranteed to surprise you.
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Anti-Vaxxer Vegan's Facebook Rant Will Genuinely Leave You Speechless
Typical anti-vaxxer with a BIG twist. The contained level of what I can only imagine must be some grade A rage here is vaguely terrifying as well.
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Traumatized Woman Tweets Boyfriend's Disturbing Conflict With Racist Cops
This one's going to leave you speechless.
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Elon Musk Wants To Build A Cyborg Dragon And People Are Down
Elon Musk back at it again with the A+ ideas that we actually need to see happen. A boring (as in the "boring" flamethrowers he actually created) dragon has never sounded so damn enticing. Where can we get one?
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Women Share Things They Do When They Want You To Ask Them Out
Pay attention, you don't want to miss these.
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13 Tinder Moments That Aren't Soul Crushingly Insensitive
The modern dating world is a troubling strange beast of a thing. These somehow weren't ALL BAD.
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