Have you ever worked for tips before? When you work a job where tips are your main source of income, that becomes the primary focus of each day capitalizing on how to get more tips. In some cheapskate states, restaurants are allowed to pay you LESS than minimum wage because it's expected that you'll be making more in tips on top of that, thus making restaurant work a "minimum wage job" again. * huge eye roll * As everyone knows, that's not guaranteed so the loophole they created pretty much sucks for all blue collar folks.
One bar manager, who was running a privately owned bar pretty much on his own the last several years, recently came face-to-face with exactly how much it sucks to be a "tip earning" employee in the state of Michigan. u/ozadzen, let's call him 'Dennis' worked for years under both lazy GM and borderline alcoholic business owner and generally never had a problem with them because of their absence. Tips were good, they never bothered him, so he stuck around. However, this week, his gaggle of useless managers banned together and decided to get the team in on doing a couple days deep cleaning for the bar. Service would be closed to guests and employees were expected to work for two consecutive 10 hour days at their HOURLY rate.
For Dennis, that meant he would be making $6/hour– half the standard minimum wage in Michigan.
Cue the ultimatum. The management noticed how upset their staff was about this (who wouldn't be pissed?) and instead of hiring a professional cleaning company like a real business, they made the spring cleaning mandatory. Anyone who opposed would be fired immediately. Dennis wasn't having that. He had had enough of their hooliganry and decided to take a stand. He refused to come in, has joyfully accepted his termination, and already has interviews lined up for a new job.
Sayonara! Good luck running this bar without the one person who was doing all the work.