Parking at wholefoods can suck the happiness out of anyone. Even if you won the lottery ten minutes prior, sliding into the wholefoods parking lot will take your high and throw it in the trash. The number of Karens running, driving, strutting and squawking is implausible, unless you've seen it firsthand. This lady was waiting patiently for her turn in said parking lot, her blinkers turned on, the wind blowing in her hair, just chilling, as an elderly woman was taking her time leaving her parking spot. Suddenly a Karen appeared out of nowhere and snatched the parking spot up. Mind you, she almost took off the elderly woman's door in the awful act.
Livid, OP asked her what was up. This Karen had the audacity to mimic her and told her 'S-o-rrr-y', which led OP to believe that she was not in fact, sorry at all. She had never been so angry in her life. What ensued was a mix of outrage and humiliation, followed by the use of a certain key on a certain car. Scroll down to read about this sweet, petty revenge.
For more, check out this enraging story of a boss who told his employee that he will 'work when I tell you to work'. It's enough to make anyone maliciously comply to the point where the boss realizes he messed up, big time.