Thursday, May 11, 2023

'I sent all those [messages] to my boss': Worker makes it impossible for their avoidant boss to ignore their coworker's behavior

Dealing with conflict is never pleasant. That's why some of us choose to avoid it at all costs. We'd rather bury our heads in the sand than deal with an obvious glaring issue or unruly person. 

This presents a problem when that conflict-adverse person is in charge of a team and will inevitably have to deal with conflict at some point. Unfortunately, sometimes they'd rather just let one of the team members go unchecked than deal with the issue, allowing and enabling their negative behavior towards other team members.

This team member had put up with enough and was, thankfully, provided with enough material by their disaster of a coworker in order to put it front and center for their conflict-adverse boss in a way that they couldn't ignore.

Read on for this tale of petty workplace revenge. After, check out this boss who pretended to fire a worker to make them regret their complaint. 

'Maybe I was a bit too harsh': Wife makes inedible home cooked meal for husband's birthday, husband calls her out, regrets his decision

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy. In relationships, you have to humor one another, and if someone makes an effort to do something nice, that effort should be acknowledged and embraced. That being said, when it comes to your partner's cooking, it's considerably harder to be honest, especially if she is known to be a bad cook and especially if this is your birthday dinner.


That's exactly what happened to this couple. When the husband shared his side of the story via Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, he was probably surprised to find that the responses from the ruthless judges of the AITA community were largely negative. However, there were a few folks in the comments who acknowledged that the wife made her husband's birthday entirely about her when she decided to "experiment" in the kitchen. Clearly, this was not the wisest decision. Keep scrolling below to see what people had to say! For more, check out this story about a neighbor's trashy revenge!

'Coworker talks to herself as well as inanimate objects': 10+ bizarre coworker stories

We have all had that one coworker...


You know who we mean. The one that absolutely no one else in the office can understand no matter how hard they try. Well, as it turns out, that bizarre coworker is not the only one out there. Keep scrolling below for these top bizarre coworker anecdotes. For more, check out these top choosing beggars of the week!

‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

Employees working minimum wage jobs are remarkably gifted at identifying customer Karens from a mile away; their posture, the way they present themselves, and the superior tone in their voice as they begin a sentence with an entitled demand. These customers don't go on hiatus, they do not take breaks in their dedicated work to ruin people's day. In this case, a Karen entered a petrol station, eyed the other customers in line, decided her request ranked worthiest, and passed them all, strutting right up to the cashier, demanding a 'fuel refill along with my car collected'.

It's not that Karen was unaware that she had come to the wrong place, but rather that any working human being with a name tag sewed or clipped into a half-formal-looking uniform top looked good enough to her. The cashier, OP, explained that the petrol station did not offer recovery services, nor was OP obligated to abandon her work, waddle down the road with a bucket of fuel and fill Karen's car.

Karen did not take kindly to being told that her request was not within OP's job description, created a scene, and told OP she would not be willing to pay for the fuel that OP wasn't even willing to fill her car with. The situation became so dramatic that other customers began to shoo her away. OP was certain they didn't hear the last of it, and they were right. Karen wrote a long, angry letter to HR, telling them to fire OP.

HR banned Karen instead. Scroll down to read the full, detailed account of events. For more, here is a clever manager who got back at a Karen customer for demanding he fires an employee for delivering the wrong item.

'She refused to pay, and stopped answering my calls': Web designer creates website, pivots to malicious compliance after entitled owner won't pay the bill

This website designer took malicious compliance to a new level with this stunt. 

There's often a lack of appreciation for the arts, whether you're a painter, dancer, writer, or filmmaker. Even for this person, a web designer who created an entire website for a client, the task went unappreciated. As u/shady_emoji shared to r/MaliciousCompliance, they were a college student trying to make a few extra dollars when they accepted a gig designing a website. This client wanted her website to show off the "best interior design service in London." The OP created a nice site for her, but then she suddenly ghosted this person. So sketchy!

This is some of the finest malicious compliance we've seen for the sheer brilliance this person had in getting back at the client. Who knows how many sales she lost from the resulting malicious compliance? The OP will probably never know the full scale of the damage they did to this stingy client. 

Next up, this influencer thought she was so clever, but the small business she stiffed disagrees with her.