Friday, January 6, 2017

Super Creep Offers Free Coachella Tickets on Craiglist With 20 Extremely Cringeworthy Demands


Should we really expect any less in the department of outright insanity with such a truly kickass lineup at Coachella this year? Granted, this dirtied and depraved fool crossed some lines with his, 'demands'.

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This Horse Toy is Anatomically Correct for Some Reason

This toy isn’t horsing around.

For some reason, this horse toy comes anatomically correct, meaning it comes with eyes, nose, hair, and, of course, dick and balls. Why not, right? Twitter user @atbobb would like to know. Can you explain? Please explain.

Anyway, enjoy this Tweet, plus several tweets more.

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Our President-Elect Tweeted at Arnold Schwarzenegger To Brag About His “Apprentice” Ratings and Oh, Boy, It’s Gonna Be A Long Couple Of Years

You’re Terminated just doesn’t have the same ring as “You’re Fired.”

I guess that’s something we have to think about now. That billionaire reality-TV gameshow host who won the presidency last month, Donald Trump doesn’t want anyone to forget that he’s the best billionaire reality-TV gameshow host, not the best president.

To prove it, first thing this morning, instead of getting one of those intelligence briefings he’s been avoiding for the last two months, he decided to slam politician-turned-reality-tv gameshow host Arnold Schwarzeneggar regarding his lackluster New Celebrity Apprentice ratings.

My eyes just rolled so hard that I was thrown from my chair and now have a concussion. Don’t let me go to slee—

What’s that? Oh, sorry. Dozed off there for a second. Ah, crap. I was really hoping it was 2020 already.

Oh, great. I'm awake in time to read Arnold's response.

Anyway, as these things go now and will go until the end of time, everyone reacted to the ridiculous things Trump tweets instead of getting to work on the whole leading the free world thing.

Check out some other people whose eyes are dangerously close to rolling out of their heads.

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Buckle Up and Watch This Russian Race Car Driver Take His Terrified Girlfriend For A Hell Ride

People Share the Most Ridiculous Booty Call Texts They've Ever Received, and the Thirst Is Overpowering

14 Surprisingly Fascinating Facts Behind 2016's Porn Traffic Stats

adult entertainment,2016,facts,internet,porn

The data compiled, then featured by the most popular porn site out there ends up showing some shocking results about humanity's porn consumption!

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Dude Complains to Tesco About Women Shopping In Pajamas, Ends Up Triggering Ferocious Online Debate


A guy's Facebook complaint about a couple women wearing 'pyjamas' while shopping in Tesco, has ignited a big 'ol backlash on social media.

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Twitter Says Bye Bye to the Terribly Titled Horror Movie “The Bye-Bye Man” With The Roast of the Season

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but definitely judge a horror movie by it’s title, especially when that title is something as stupid as The Bye Bye Man.

You might not have heard of The Bye Bye Man because you’re busy, you know, living an important life. But lurking in the peripherals of your life is a horror movie with a really, really dumb title. That title: The Bye Bye Man.

What does the Bye Bye Man do? Presumably he makes people go “Bye Bye” and talks like a baby for some reason.

Anyway, people haven’t even seen The Bye Bye Man yet Twitter is having a field day with the title. Check out the roast of the season as people say "bye bye, man" to The Bye Bye Man.

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Yahoo Already Had the Fail of 2017 With a Monumentally Messed Up Typo on Twitter

twitter,FAIL,donald trump,finance,reactions,yahoo

Who could have known that when Yahoo Finance went to report on President-Elect, Donald Trump's plans to increase the size of the U.S. Navy, it would inspire such incendiary controversy. Albeit a complete mistake. But hey, a fail's a fail, and this one shot right to the top of 2017. So kudos to you Yahoo.

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Con-goers and Cosplayers Share Their Cringiest and Creepiest Con Stories


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Watch: In One Punch, This Giants Fan Drops This Cowboys Fan, Then This Cowboys Fan Drops His Pants

fail video cowboys fan and giants fan fight while tailgating knock out pants down

This guy doesn’t know when to quit.

First, this Cowboys fan gets knocked out in one punch during a skirmish while tailgating.

Then, as he’s getting up, his pants fall down. It's a knock out, pants down fight. 

Could things get worse for this dude? Oh, right. The concussion.

Submitted by: (via Brandon Hubschman)

Tagged: FAIL , pants , fight , funny

See What Happens When Odell Beckham Went Undercover as a Lyft Driver. Spoiler: He Suprised His Passengers

Always be cautious when talking to your Lyft driver, especially if they're asking very specific questions about a very specific sports figure, and especially if they tell you to sit in the front seat. Actually, if they insist that you sit in the front seat, you should text a friend and let them know what cab you're getting into. It's not that you should be afraid of making a new friend, but that driver could be none other than NFL superstar and New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham, Jr. 

I know. It sounds crazy, but it happened, and you know what, Lyft filmed it. 

What would you do if your favorite — or worse, least favorite — athlete was behind the wheel? Would you tell them to their face what you think of them? Probably not. You'd probably freak like these people. Why? Because that's what people do when they meet celebrities. They freak like these people do. 


Submitted by: (via Lyft)

Everyone On Twitter is Fact Checking the Shit Out of This Washington Post Cover

The corrections department is gonna hear about this one.

With a little over two weeks until Donald Trump’s inauguration, people are flocking to Washington, DC to protest that reality-TV gameshow hose who won the presidency last year.

The biggest of these protests is a massive women’s march, but you’d never know it by today's cover from of the Washington Post daily magazine Express, which accidentally put the international male symbol instead of the women's symbol on the cover. You know the symbol:

via Hero Prop

Anyway, Twitter is currently taking the magazine to task over this. Snark levels are at all time high, so put on your mask and check out some of the best responses.

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Now You Can Send Poop to Politician for When Shit Happens

service sends poops for polticians

All the fun of lighting a bag of dog crap on someone’s front porch without the hassle of running away.

A new service from the high schoolers behind the vulva-shaped lollipops for Trump, Poop for Politicians is exactly what it sounds like. For the low, low price of $9.99 this bi-partisan poop delivery service will mail a package of feces to the politician of your choosing. Same day delivery! Wow!

Speaking to The Daily Dot, Jules and Gabe, the Poop for Politicians founders, explained, “All we're doing is capitalizing on the way people would like to convey a message to the people who play a direct role in their lives, and giving them a medium to do it.”

But isn’t this bad for the environment, you might ask. Well, this service uses 100% organic horse manure from a local farm. So it’s sustainable and eco-friendly. Plus, you can send a big package of shit to Paul Ryan! Whoa! Where do I sign up?

Just go to and send some poop to Washington today!




Submitted by: (via Critical Theory)

Tagged: poop , mail , funny , politics

'Send Nudes' Reaches Full Potential, Escalates Into All Out War of Puns

send nudes,puns,texting,funny

People across the vast expanse of the interwebs are Facebook messaging "send nudes" puns to specific accounts, and posting the resulting screenshots. Online collaboration at its very finest, huh?

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Watching This Famously Venomous Snake Casually Dangle From Girl's Nightlight Legit Just Made My Balls Shrivel Up in Fear

Submitted by: (via Tony Harrison)

Tagged: scary , FAIL , Video , snake