Bart Simpson gets an F, and people have some feelings about it. Leave it to the wonderful community at Tumblr to take a thread to a place we never saw coming.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Bart Simpson gets an F, and people have some feelings about it. Leave it to the wonderful community at Tumblr to take a thread to a place we never saw coming.
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Any cheater's reasoning behind why they did it is filled with all kinds of emotionally-charged hurt, confusion, anger, or just mindless stupidity. In the case of these 15 cheaters explaining why they crossed the line on their relationship, you be the judge on if what they did was understandable or outright wrong.
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As technology surrounds us in its cold, lifeless iron grip, more and more old people are having to come to terms with social media as a part of daily life. They have, by no means mastered it. The people over at r/oldpeoplefacebook are committed to documenting this process, as well as the foibles that come with it.
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One brave soul and the absolute worst restaurant in Toronto. Buckle up...
Submitted by: (via Toronto Eats)
These jokes may be literal, obvious, and overly dad-tastic, but you can't say they're wrong. You might hate them, you might like them. Get on your boots and wade through. For more clever and stupid jokes that are also correct, check these out.
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Good old 'Straya. We'd like all our news breakdowns like this!
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Weird customers! Mean customers! People trying to trade in obviously stolen games! What may have been a haven during your own childhood, and a confusing maze for grandmas trying to find a game in time for Christmas, was a wild land of weirdness and misfortune for the employees who worked there. Here are some more customer service stories from GameStop Employees.
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SPOILER WARNING! Alright, now that that's taken care of let's enjoy some brutally hilarious tweets designed to roast the Game of Thrones characters that choked at the Battle of Winterfell. Oh, you better believe that happened. If you're looking for more Game of Thrones content, check out a long meme-filled list of our favorite reactions to last night's episode here!
We also just ran this list about the Azor Ahai debacle after last night's episode.
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These folks asked the internet to roast them and the internet delivered like they paid extra for shipping. It doesn't even matter if someone looks particularly good or not, r/roastme will find a way to dig through someone's flaws until they hit bedrock. For more savagery, check out these 40 brutal roasts,
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MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING. Alright, now that we got that out of the way, let's collectively celebrate Game of Thrones and the awe-inspiring Battle of Winterfell last night. Things escalated real quickly from the first moment of the episode. Lives were lost, memes were spawned, and above all else; the long awaited moment when Bran and The Night King would face-off was met with an act of pure and unadulterated awesome. Naturally, Twitter had some feelings about it.
If you're looking for more Game of Thrones content, check out a list of our favorite reactions to last night's episode here! It's filled with comedy gold. We also just ran a list on the show's whole Azor Ahai debacle here. Let's just say some fans were a tad bit triggered by how things shook out.
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SPOILER WARNING. Game of Thrones Season 8 and its Battle of Winterfell kind of shattered the internet last night. It was complete utter madness. One wild plot twist in particular regarding Arya Stark and her moment with the Night King, has left the internet with all kinds of pressing questions regarding who Azor Ahai is. They spent so much time on building up the Prince Who Was Promised...
If you're looking for more Game of Thrones Season 8 content, check out all the best Twitter reactions to last night's episode here!
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Just watch out for when you try to take his stapler! Bob is an absolute legend.
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Yeah, it almost feels like a crime how cheap some of this stuff is. Actually, some of it is! That said, a few bucks for a pineapple that started growing in 2017? Holy crap! If only someday we could add something like healthcare or housing to this list then that'd be cool too, but for now, we got these.
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Well, the odds of a "planet of the apes" scenario just shot through the roof. Pretty soon he's gonna be contacting other chimps, they're gonna organize, and it'll be all over for people. We had a good run, I think.
Submitted by: (via Azhar Talib)
Old but gold and also weird. Last year a facebook post of this strange conversation featured an apparently very defensive James Barrett's wife taking over JB's facebook account to deliver a prickly message to someone whose only crime was planning to draw vegetables. Anyway the lack of context, unbridled aggression and overt weirdness caused it to be shared thousands of times. Plus, it spawned a bunch of memes. It became the viral sensation known as "James Barret's Wife"
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