"Don't try to give my mom onions," warned u/OceanPoet13, before sharing a few funny stories of her mother's "Karen-esqe" antics at restaurants. In a post to r/F***YouKaren, the user wondered if her late mother was actually a Karen or not! She relayed a few stories that happened due to the OP's mother trying to guilt people. As the OP shared, her mother decided one day that she didn't just dislike onions, she was allergic to them now. She was certainly not shy about sharing her newfound allergy with restaurant staff, but according to the OP, she'd ask lots of questions about food prep.
On other occasions that Mama Karen didn't get her way, she acted out to prove her point. As the writer shared, she wasn't sure if her mom was technically a Karen, since she wasn't alway rude exactly, just a bit quirky and demanding. The commenters shared their opinions on that as well. Let's remember — people have layers. Like onions. Buh-dum-tss!
Next up, take a peek at this classic tale of one terrible landlord who threatened to kick a company out with just one week's notice, only to get the eviction thrown back in his face.