Sign of the times...It's as if these signs were put there to confuse people as much as possible!
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Sign of the times...It's as if these signs were put there to confuse people as much as possible!
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It's the surprisingly valid question nobody ever asked for...
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Last week, the internet was pranked with this photo of a supposed Justin Bieber eating a burrito the wrong way. The real question is, was it a convincing fake or did we just want to belieb it? We're gonna have to go with both. Anyway, props to Yes Theory for the artful crafting of a viral prank.
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We can't explain why, but people absolutely love lying online. They lie about themselves, their families, local businesses and even objective facts! The lies are everywhere, but that's why it feels so good to see the record get set straight.
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People use figures of speech to justify stupid behavior all the time. That's not to mention the ones we straight up use wrong. Here are some sayings that are misused, misquoted, or just plain dumb.
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Thanks to one of those bold and aggressively overachieving "studies" that came out, we now know what our finances should look like in our 30s. Apparently you should have twice your annual income in savings by 35. Let that stomach-turning tidbit of idealistic finances sink in....yeah, no.
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Why do people have to be such absolutely detestable creeps.
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Spidergoat though, I mean, come on....
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It all makes sense though, cause she was a Capricorn. Classic Capricorn sh*t, nothing to see here.
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Think we'd take a rain check on this pricey outing...
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Apparently this show went on for 170 days. Fair to say Dad got him good!
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We don't advise putting any of these to the test!
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