Thursday, May 26, 2022

Things People Have Decided They Will Never Do Again

Sometimes you don't exactly know how bad an idea is until you try it. Only then, after fully manifesting the explosive consequences of gas station egg salad do you have the body of research to say without question that "food poisoning is definitely bad. I'm not doing that again."

But did you really need to go through a week of gastrointestinal apocalypse in order to learn that? Or could you have just listened when a hundred people before you told you not to? At a certain point it's better to just take people at their word.

That's why it's important to listen to people who have made these grievous errors, because making them all yourself would only yield similar results, and frankly there's not enough time in the day to learn about a new way to be miserable. So take heed when someone says "I'm never going to do that again."

Guy Gets Call From Actual Space, Sees "Us Gov" Caller ID, Lets It Go To Voicemail

They say that luck is just opportunity plus preparation. In this case, OP had the opportunity, but was woefully unprepared, and the result was a cartoonishly unlucky experience.

It's not every day that your astronaut friend decides to call you from space. Honestly it sounds as absurd as your cowboy friend calling from 1880. This dude's buddy had the thought to call him from space, and this guy's caller ID presented the incoming call as "Us Gov." Thinking it was something he didn't really want to get involved with, he missed his space call and let it go to voicemail. It's an understandable mistake, but also an absolutely terrific way to screw yourself out of an awesome experience. Space isn't going away soon, so hopefully he picks up if they call again.

This being a particularly weird way to ruin your own day, the internet was ready with jokes about the missed space call.

25 Blessed Images To Really Crank Up The Vibes

The internet has a terrifically wide spectrum of things to look at. In the darkest recesses of weirdness we find those cursed images to not feel so good about. On the fringes of hilarious weirdness be those blursed images of concerning hilarity. And then further into the stratosphere of good vibes we finally come across blessed images to brighten up that big ol' day. So pick your poison. Well, one of them is poison. The other one is like a fine soothing tonic, and the other one is like pretty decent tasting dishwater. So it's not really that hard to distinguish between them. Our pick is the dishwater. It tastes alright. Just make sure to strain it first.

For more things to look at and go "the world ain't too heck" please indulge in these wholesome moments to tap into the feels.

Anyway, on to the ducklings and cats and things.

Grandmother Wants a Vote in Child's Name, Gets Outvoted Anyways

This persistent mother-in-law wanted a vote (the only vote) on what their grandchild's name was going to be. She was determined to find a way to get her name selected one way or another before the child was born. She had managed to turn her son (the husband) to her side before his wife came up with this clever way to give her a "vote" and stop this nonsense once and for all.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by the wife, u/Ok-Cranberry-9158, to share her glorious malicious compliance. See, she realized something that her mother-in-law didn't; there were four grandparents! All she had to do was get the other three (her parents and her mother-in-law's ex) to vote in her favor, which they were more than happy to do. 

With this tactic, she managed to shut her mother-in-law down. 

Keep scrolling for images of the thread and reactions below.


Woman Doubles Salary With New Job, Hadn't Gotten a Raise in 10 Years

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by the woman's son, u/nannerooni (OP), who posted the thread to the popular sub to share his mother's story and experiences with her previous employer.

u/nannerooni explains that her boss was "filthy rich" but was as tight as he could be when rewarding the people who helped him get there. When the OP's mother told him of her offer, he offered to pay her more and admitted, "I haven't been paying you the value you are worth to me."

Wouldn't it just be easier for him to pay her what she's worth in the first place rather than have to go out and find someone to replace her?

Commenters voiced their support for the OP's mother and wished bad fortune on the employer and others like them.

Scroll on for images of the thread and reactions below.

Thumbnail Image: Ryan Snaadt

Viral Tweet: Boss Demands Project During Developer's Day Off, Gets Resignation Instead

This tweet went viral and has been posted in multiple relevant groups across the internet this week. 

The tweet was posted by @danielesimontho, who has Full-Stack Software Engineer listed among her varied experience in her Twitter bio. 

The tweet followed several by @danielesimontho that described the issues she had been facing in her workplace and her mistreatment by her direct superior.  

She then posted the tweet that went viral:

"Job update: 

Boss is calling me to do work (asap) on the weekend of my sisters graduation (which she's knows about) and I don't have my computer. They want it done now, but instead they're getting my resignation letter 

Effective immediately. Lmao"


The tweet has sparked conversation across the internet, including in response to the tweet on Twitter and on Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, where Redditor u/Kiko2s posted a screenshot with the title "Graduation." Responders have shared their own stories and expressed support for @danielesimontho's decision.

The original tweet has received 115k likes and has been retweeted 6k times. While the Reddit thread earned 2.7k upvotes. 

Scroll on for images of the Twitter and Reddit threads and the reactions below.


Thumbnail Image: Sorin Gheorghita

Mysterious Toxic Ex Signs Begging to Get Someone Named "Stacey" Back are Popping Up All Over Boston and the Internet has a Lot of Questions

Half the Internet believes it's a joke, the other half thinks it's an art project—some are also very concerned about it being real…