A quick lesson on how it is NEVER right to blame your customers for PR blunders.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
A quick lesson on how it is NEVER right to blame your customers for PR blunders.
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This woman was terrified when she saw the way her boyfriend neglected the seasoning of his chicken. Can you BLAME HER?
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You can say a lot about this collection of tweets, images and jokes. You can say they're dumb. You can say they're sort of clever in a mindlessly stupid way. But you can't say they're completely inaccurate.
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These applicants willingly deluded themselves into thinking the companies they were interested in, would turn a literal blind eye (cause that's what it probably would've taken...) toward their lack of preparation and professionalism. Think it's safe to say that all parties involved in these situations are better off without one another.
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These relationships seem terribly fragile with insecurity and passive aggressiveness. That and then there are a few that show all signs of an imminent breakup.
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This is behavior is ridiculous. The winning strategy is to order something more reasonable, like pasta, and then go to the bathroom when you see the check coming. This is some real shoddy and overambitious planning. Who orders lobster?
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Not only are the tweets from Sesame Street's ever hungry muppet, the renowned Cookie Monster, hilarious; but they're pretty damn relatable. I mean, who doesn't want to lie in bed all day working hard on doing nothing, while eating cookies? At least for a little bit.
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You can feel the pain of their regret in this TIFU work-related fail tale. Turns out those vaguely irritating emails from the company about crazy things like "open enrollment", can come at a great cost to you, if you ignore them.
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You can still get out now if you want to. A lot of these are pretty off-putting. Shattered bones, exposed intestines and general misery. Just saying. If you wanna read something lighter we've got this pretty funny thread about an incompetent intern.
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AlmightyThor117 says it best in the comments section: We're a bunch of grumbletonians with a kakistocracy led by a bunch of twattling snollygosters.
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We're all struggling to push through, forget, distract, ourselves from those awe-inspiring fail catastrophes that have made an appearance in our lives. Time makes the fails sting a little less, but so do entertaining reminders of other people, just like ourselves, dealing with that fragile fabric we call "peaceful living" getting shredded to bits, by the chaos of life. Lose yourself and forget momentarily about all those painstaking troubles, by watching other people fail wonderfully, tragically through life.
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