Submitted by: (via Billy On The Street)
A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Monday, October 12, 2015
Snapchat of the Day: Random Woman Breaks Into House, Passes Out And Poops Everywhere
This one really stinks.
UFC star Urijah Faber had a very eventful party after a woman stormed into his house, locked herself in his bathroom and pooped everywhere.
Faber was entertaining guests at his Sacramento home where he captured the entire event on Snapchat. The police eventually showed up and escorted the very stinky woman away.
If there was one good thing from this tale, it was this: Faber made some new friends.
Submitted by: (via Urijah Faber )
The Future of FAIL is Here, All Hail the Hoverboard Failures
What Would Your Favorite Animated Character Look Like With a "Normal" Face?
You know how most animated ladies these days look uncanny and suffer from the same round, big-eyed face? What if they looked like actual human beings? Tumblr artist TheNamelessDoll has created a series of more realistic faces for animated characters that are beautiful without big eyes. Check 'em out below:
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