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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
For whatever reason tons of easily angered social media-using cretins have flocked to demand outright justice for Brad's newly fired wife. The people have spoken Cracker Barrel. It's time to 'unfire' Brad's wife, now. For the meanwhile though, let's enjoy the incessant, and endless procession of solid trollworthy jabs.
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When Life.exe stops working.
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These might hit ruthlessly close to home.
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This jerk shouldn't be "aloud" to represent anyone with his absolutely sh*tty attitude.
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None of these are fun. But some are certainly less fun than others.
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They grew up before the internet so we'll forgive them. Still pretty funny to watch them be awkward as hell online though.
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No shame in these forever alone-ridden tweets.
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Sometimes silence isn't the best answer...
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His expectations were absolutely pulverized by reality. Kind of seems like he was in need of the rude awakening.
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The pants are so on fire with these ones.
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