Wednesday, May 15, 2019

38 Obvious Plant Products That Made Us Howl with Pleasure

product jokes gross strange bizarre parody advice lol food funny weird stupid writing - 8063237

Obvious Plant makes parody and spoof products that are hilariously, fantastically weird. And we love them. From anger advice to themed ponchos, to food-grade hair, Obvious Plant has got your needs covered.

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Tumblr Finds All the Pieces to Make Ancient Grilled Cheese

ancient news cheese history tumblr butter bread amazing food grilled cheese stupid funny tumblr - 8215301

Tumblr, being it's own weird-ass self, went on a anthropological news search for preserved food that could result in the ingredients for a well aged grilled cheese. It's a stupid experiment, but hey, why else do we have the internet? Tumblr has done some amazing work, like the time they ran the math on the exact day of Ice Cube's "Good Day"

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Upset Tumblr User Claims A Japanese Tea Party Is Cultural Appropriation

racism tumblr Japan ridiculous called out culture - 8062981

When this upset Tumblr user said they had a problem with Japanese Tea Parties cause they viewed it as cultural appropriation, they proceeded to get properly REKT. You might say that they learned the most valuable lesson of all in this brutal exchange. If you're looking for more Tumblr gold, check out this Tumblr post on what to do when you're buried alive...

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Confused Man Tells Funny Story of Two Nearly Identical Tire Places

He is right though. Whoever thought this wasn't confusing is kind of a malicious b-hole. In cases like this, it's probably best to have more specific directions than "next to Taco Bell."  Someone said "On the other side of Tire Discount is a Bell Taco."

Submitted by: (via michael gearlds)

Man Challenges The Moon Landing In Hilarious Twitter Thread

twitter Astronomy social media ridiculous funny - 8392453

Lost it at furtherhencemorth! 

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Guy's Mr. Bean-Inspired Revenge Turns into Friendship

wholesome pencil school middle school revenge mr bean petty silly funny stupid mr bean mr bean - 8389637

And no, he didn't strap an armchair to his Beetle and run the other kid off the road. Anyone who grew up watching Mr. Bean has always partly wished they could get away with some of the awesome stuff he did. It's awesome to learn someone pulled a Mr. Bean in real life, and it actually went well.

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17 People Share What Made Them Realize They Grew Up Poor

christmas hunger cheese poor peanut butter poverty realization wealth stories money rich - 8389125

When you're just a kid, you just kind of assume everyone lives the same way as you, so you don't think too much of it. Then maybe you go to a friends house and realize that it's just a little bigger, or cleaner, or they seem to have a lot more food. Then it hits you. "Oh, man, what is it my mom does for a living?" For some other interesting and somewhat frustrating stories of relative wealth, here are people's craziest encounters with rich kid syndrome.

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Guy Haggling Over Dresser Brings Bananas Into The Mix

scammer shopping ridiculous cheap funny - 8388869

The internet is a strange and beautiful place. This might not make any sense at all, and I really can't figure out the bananas element in this; but hey, at least it all worked out! 

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Halle Berry Training For John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Halle Berry's out there going beast mode! The hype for John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum just went through the roof. 

Submitted by: (via Taran Tactical)

Dude's Insulting Cousin Disputes Inheritance and Causes Mad Drama

insane Sad school wtf drama student loans text inheritence petty family cheap choosing beggar cousin - 8382213

After an exchange like this, we're not sure if this guy is gonna get that washing machine, tv, and bathroom he wanted. Who ever thinks this is a good way to get what you want? For more behavior like this, here are some frustrating cheapskates who tried and failed to take advantage of people.

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Chick Playing Hooky From Work Gets Roasted And Toasted To A Crisp

FAIL cringe mean roast ridiculous insult - 8381957

Reddit's Roast community never fails to step up and deliver an absolutely brutal verbal beating when the occasion calls for it. We hope this woman's self-esteem was up for the challenge. 

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40 Uncommon Things That Will Make You Say "Thanks but That's a Lot of Internet"

dogs pictures amusing art FAIL creative interesting funny tweets horses Cats funny weird stupid - 8381445

At any given time, there's a lot of weird, creative, funny, dangerous and interesting stuff going on. And thanks to the internet we're able to document it and cram it into our noggins on the daily. For something weirder, here are a bunch of strange images that will make you say "that's enough internet for today."

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Man Asks Internet If He's Rude For Calling Out His Brother For Controlling His Future Wife

marriage brother wife husband called out - 8379141

The internet had this guy's back! Sounds like his brother was rocking all kinds of red flags when it came to being controlling over the guy's future wife. What a nightmare! 

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29 Times Earnest Attempts Gave Way to Laughable Failure

images pictures FAIL Memes attempt lol tweets dumb funny tweets funny stupid - 8377861

Whatever you're trying to do, whether it's make a good point, make someone happy, or even get a basketball down from somewhere, you will eventually run into failure. Here are times things didn't turn out quite as well as planned, or people could have at least tried a little harder. Check this out for more failed attempts that deserve public ridicule.

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10+ Dream Jobs For People That Want To Get Paid To Be Lazy

employee job lazy work helpful askreddit - 8369925

Where there's a will to be lazy and get paid, there's a way. Something in this list might very well be that way for you. But if you're truly lazy, reading this list is already going to be too much work, right?

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100 People Reveal Their Secret Turn-Ons

You might connect with more than one of these turn-ons...

Submitted by: (via Cut)