In any relationship, if you're not appreciated for your efforts, there's no better time to walk away than now. Of course, when it comes to employment, there are always considerations to be made for maintaining a source of income, but if an opportunity has presented itself for something better, you really should just go for it.
That's what this worker decided to do when they had had enough of their terrible job. They received an offer for a big increase in salary and more flexible working conditions and approached their employer to see if they were willing to match. Their current employer's response was disrespectful and rude, so they made the decision to quit on the spot.
They have now returned, a year later, with an update to share how things have gone for them in the last year and provide a little bit of insight as to whether or not their change in jobs was a good move. Overall, the change has been incredibly positive.
Keep reading for these two threads. The original thread is first, and the update starts on item #11. For more, check out this employer that instated a wild policy mandating checks of employees and their belongings before they were allowed to leave work.