Sunday, September 5, 2021

Terrifying Signs That Mean Serious Business

As ironic as it seems, we should all be thanking whoever created these very frightening signs. As much as it sucks to read that you're traveling through a super-crime zone with a murder hornet infestation, it would be much worse to find all that out as a surprise. So, thanks creepy signs, for at least being an honest reminder that there's some real scary stuff out there that we'd rather avoid.

Owner Tries to Micromanage Employees, Fires Them On The Spot, Rest Of Staff Fires Owner

Nothing can be more nightmarish for a hard working employee than to realize that a new owner of the company you work for has come in like a dark and ominous storm cloud to unleash havoc in an otherwise smoothly functioning, peaceful work environment. It sounds like this new owner was headed fast for nowhere good at all, from the moment that he bought the doctor's office. Fortunately, the employees that were on staff were more than ready to clap right back against all of his nonsense. Oh boy, to only have seen the look on the owner's face when he was forced to confront the righteous consequences of his actions. 

The Greatest Feelings People Have Experienced

Honestly, the some of the best feelings are feelings of relief. Taking your socks off after being on your feet for 16 hours or standing next to a fire after being drenched. Finally quitting a job you hate. Others are about achieving some sense of purpose like doing something nice for people for the love of the game. Sometimes you just get to try the greatest food ever. Everyone has a different idea of "the best feeling."

Unfair Teacher Fails Half Of Class, Student Settles The Score

Navigating the BS of academia gets even harder with absolutely ineffectual tenured professors, and while some of their not caring can often result in an easy A, it's the unexplainable Fs that truly motivate people to do something about it. Here's a student who decided enough was enough. For a professor who got the upper hand, here's a professor who fooled their cheating students.

Happy Customers Thank Employee For Her Increasingly Absurd Services

We know just how hard customer service can be, which is why we're always amazed at an employee's efforts to go the extra mile. Be it delivering a baby, teaching a boy to become a man, handing over her teeth or literally turning back time, one thing is for sure. There are not that many employees who are as good as Sam.

Family Memes About The Joys Of Domestic Life

Most of us are only now ready to reflect on what the hell just happened for give-or-take 18 years of our lives. Some of the answers, or at least catharsis can be found in memes about growing up with siblings or memes about parenting. Everyone's formative years were totally unique but also incredibly similar when it gets down to it.

Biggest Red Flags That Men Ignored About Women

It's dangerously easy to get caught up in a phase where you're jovially ambling onward through life with rose colored glasses on, completely head over heels for someone that you met that seems to be impossibly physically/emotionally/etc attractive. Well, it's essential to keep those wits about oneself, or quite the shady and generally nasty series of circumstances can end up presenting themselves. Hopefully, these men learned their lessons about not ignoring the bright red flags. 

Mildly Infuriating Images That Eradicate Inner Peace

Sometimes you can find yourself out wandering through this ever chaotic and disorienting world only to stumble upon an object, a sign, a parking space, that's so glaringly incorrect yet close to being correct that it drives you to the literal brink of insanity. These mildly infuriating images are absolutely not for the faint of heart. Seriously, by the end of this list you might find yourself full on grinding your teeth without ever having realized you started doing it in the first place. If you need a breath of calming air after all this mildly infuriating nonsense, check out these satisfying moments of alignment for the world's perfectionists over here.

Game Dev Takes Pro Revenge On Rude Lawyer

This is quite the emotional rollercoaster. Nobody likes having to deal with a coworker or human being in general for that matter who insists on being belligerent and rude for no good reason at all. It sounds like this game dev was more than ready to enact nothing short of a masterful revenge. The fact that they threw the lawyer's name in the end credits of that game is truly the cherry on top. For another pro revenge tale check out the time that an employee took a petty revenge on a raging Karen.

Employee Counteracts Rude Customers By Pretending To Get Fired

Anyone who has ever worked a customer service job knows that the gig can unfortunately come with having to deal with nasty waves of belligerent and impossibly entitled customers. The process of having to regularly confront such unnecessarily confrontational people can really begin to wear away at one's spirits. Well, this employee decided to fight back against all of the toxicity from entitled customers and try to show them that their rude actions could have consequences for employees' being able to keep their jobs. It sounds like their friends thought the prank but a tad bit mean-spirited. At the same time though, it is pretty clever. 

Times People Witnessed Future Divorces At The Actual Weddings

I mean, hey, some people just aren't meant to be. Unfortunately, sometimes the very people that are in these doomed committed relationships are still so blinded by the traces of a love that once shone bright, that they can't see the warning signs themselves. And then you end up with weddings that arguably never should've occurred in the first place. Maybe these people's stories about doomed marriages that they witnessed will remind you of your own experience where you attended a wedding that had all the bright red flags waving. To keep the wedding drama rolling, check out this post about a woman who refused to cut her hair for her dad's wedding, and then the drama that ensued.

Mom Tries To Impersonate Daughter For Account Info, Debt Collector Calls Mom Out

Debt collectors are professionally trained to efficiently see right through the various lies that people will try to spin to get out of payments, or gain access to sensitive account information. It sounds like this mom was bound to encounter a maddening moment of pure failure at one point or another. It's just a shame that this poor debt collector had to deal with all of the mindless nonsense. 

Fiancé Wants To Be Childless Stay-At-Home Wife, Disagreement Ensues

Relationships are all about shared and delegated responsibility, and if both parties agree to it, having one person be completely unemployed is that couple's decision to make. With that said, the prospect of choosing to be a childless stay-at-home spouse brings up the questions of "what would you do all day" and "maybe it wouldn't exactly be fair if I worked while you did... what was it you said you'd do all day?" For a story of marital bliss, here's the wife who proposed an open marriage and then was furious when the husband got a date first.

Twitter Thread: Man Details His Experience Living With ADHD

Unfortunately, in this day and age with all of this enticing information readily available at our disposal, it's dangerously easy to become misguided due to convincing evidence that quite simply isn't rooted in the truth. Twitter user @NomeDaBarbarian decided to pop off on Twitter with a passionate thread that breaks down commonly held misconceptions and stereotypes about what it's actually like to live with ADHD. Maybe some folks will relate. 

Highly Literal Jokes And Moments That Are Absolutely Not Wrong

We can't all be geniuses and we don't want to read books, so sometimes we have to settle for not-wrong moments of technical accuracy. Being clever isn't the same as being smart, but it's definitely something that will get you through a job interview. So hike up those socks and step into highly literal moments of technical accuracy.

Bizarre, Humorous, And Terrific Tumblr Gems

Tumblr is filled to the brim with strange, hilarious, and downright unexplainable observations about a wide array of topics. We were just reliving our joy for that ridiculous Tumblr thread that does a deep dive on the infamous Davy Jones curse and its accompanying loophole. This time around though, we've got a fresh and highly entertaining batch of high quality gems from the mines of the Tumblr world.