Gotta thank NCIS for this wonderful television moment. Sure, we're not expert hackers either, but we know that stopping a hacking attempt is more complicated than throwing as many hands at the keyboard as possible and making it go clickity clack. It's not a piano. And who knew the unstoppable defense against hacking was simply unplugging your monitor?
A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Romanian Guy Accidentally Learns To Speak Perfect English, Explains How
TikToker @turtleimpaler had a video go viral, where he's shown explaining the process behind him accidentally learning how to speak English. Basically, one of the biggest takeaways from this video should be that cartoons can be wildly educational. Time for all those high school language classes to step their game up.
Man Gets Potato In Golf Hole For Prize, Realizes He Messed Up
Joe Wilkinson has definitely had better days. What a series of unfortunate events for Wilkinson. What seems to be evolving as nothing short of a triumphant victory for Wilkinson quickly devolves into an ego-shattering revelation in the middle of a TV episode for the rest of the world to see. That British humor is something else, man.
Impressive Creations of Weird Taste
All in all it's good to know that it's possible to weave a wicker toilet. It's not clear exactly what it's for, but it definitely counts as an impressive creation of dubious taste. Everyone has their own style, and whether that's golden hot dog statues or chest tattoos of Scooby Doo, there's always someone out there willing to make an extremely competent version of it. They may be of questionable taste, but they're definitely impressive creations.
People's Craziest Wedding Fails
Part of me isn't entirely convinced that some of these "wedding fails" from a viral thread on Twitter weren't mere Freudian slips. Hopefully not, because there'd be the potential for some very dramatic and trashy backstories if that were the case. Take for instance, the groom who accidentally said one of the bridesmaid's names during the wedding vows. That's a tough look, my dude. Maybe these people's wedding fails will make you feel better about your own moments when weddings ended up erring the side of complete disasters. It's very hard to keep such a big event completely together. There's always a fail lurking right around the corner. For some more wedding drama, check out the time that a couple had their wedding in sign language, and how the mom "couldn't handle it."
Choosing Beggar Tries To Haggle Over Artist's Pricing, Gets Rejected, Turns Nasty
This is definitely not the first time that we've seen a choosing beggar pitch a fit over a completely reasonable pricing being offered up, and we're sure that it unfortunately won't be the last time. It's just wild, man. The sheer amount of selfish ignorance. Like, they make a whole fuss out of being rejected by an artist who is just trying to make their own money during hard times. Where's the understanding?
The Stupidest Injuries People Have Sustained
No injury is smart, but some are certainly dumber than others. Whether it came from a seemingly inconsequential source, a poor decision, or just plain hubris, most of us have sustained otherwise avoidable injuries that at least make for an okay story. Some are dumb and embarrassing freak injuries. Other injuries are just stupid.
Scorpion Escapes Tank, Panicked Hunt Ensues
The idea of having 25 tarantulas as pets in your home might send a pure and icy shot of chills down your spine, but for some folks, tarantulas are nothing short of adorable. On top of that, this particular pet owner also had a pet scorpion. As it turns out, that pet scorpion had a bit of a moment where it was able to break free from its living quarters, and apparently had ended up posting up right where its owner was going to lay her head for sleep. Just imagining a scorpion running across your face is enough to make the idea of sleep seem like a wildly unrealistic pursuit. Like, no thank you.
Resplendent Tumblr Gems of Random Hilarity
Take an idea. Make it a stupid one. Now cast it into the collective subconscious of creative weirdos and let them pick it apart like a thousand hagfish boiling out of a month-dead whale's eye socket. Congrats, that's pretty close to hilarious and totally random tumblr gems one might find zooming around the interwebs. They'refunny, random, shiny and gem-like.
A Minivan-load of Dad-Tier Memes and Puns
Why do dads love puns? Because the other jokes they want to say are so disrespectful and abhorrently filthy that if they said them, no one would trust them with children. You make do with what you have. In the end, we have punny dad jokes that go father than ever before. So throw on those jeans, pile the kids into the car, drive to the soccer game and patiently sit through daderrific dad jokes that just nailed it.
Satisfying Moments Of Alignment For The World's Perfectionists
There's something about coming across a well placed object, or perfectly parked car that can make you stop in your tracks to exercise some appreciation over the aesthetically pleasing nature of the situation. The world's a messy place. More often than not, something's going wrong. So, when things just line up nice and perfectly, it feels pretty dang nice.
Woman's Friend Secretly Sets Her Up For Blind Date, Woman Already Has Boyfriend
It's hard to believe that this person's even real in the first place. The disgusting lack of boundaries and respect from this woman's "friend" is enough to leave you questioning how they even ended up being friends in the first place. I mean, to have the audacity to set your friend up for a blind date when they already have a partner is pretty mind-blowing. Thus, it's no wonder that this woman didn't want to be her friend's bridesmaid anymore. Sounds like the bride is already well on her way toward being nothing short of a bridezilla.
Man Shares 10 Things He Learned From 20 Years Of Marriage
Marriage is commonly known as an emotional rollercoaster. When you commit to another human being for the rest of your life through sickness and health, you're pretty much signing up for a riveting journey of ups and downs, wins and losses, and pain and ecstasy with someone who you'll find yourself both madly in love with at times, and completely enraged by at other times. Maybe this guy's collection of things that he was able to learn from his two decades of marriage will be helpful for some folks, and convince other people to never ever give the whole marriage thing a go.
Pettiest Reasons People Were Rejected
Rejections always crush the soul just a little bit. There's something inevitable about the process of getting vulnerable and putting yourself out there that leaves you in a very fragile state. If someone decides to up and reject you to your face, the intense emotions can arise very quickly. These people outdid themselves when it comes to the petty reasons that they decided to reject folks.
Filthy Hot Tub Getting A Deep Clean Is Immensely Satisfying
Unfortunately, hot tubs are highly susceptible to getting absolutely trashed. Fortunately, Miles Laflin (thep00lguy) has made an art form out of cleaning hot tubs. It's no wonder he's garnered all kinds of praise for his cleaning videos from folks on TikTok and YouTube.