Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Husband Cries When Wife Plans Pregnancy Surprise

When this wife discovered she was pregnant, she devised a plot to surprise her husband (who was yet unaware) with the news. Little did she know… Her husband had discovered the hidden pregnancy test by accident and assumed the worst, aided by some deep-seated trauma.

It takes a lot to bring a man to tears in a public restroom… It's something we tend to try to avoid, so hats off to this wife for achieving something quite extraordinary anyways.

It seems that, more often than not, these types of surprises always go awry… If stories on the internet are anything to go off, that is. It's incredibly likely that there is a significant selection bias happening here as we're seldom going to see stories of something doing well trend online. We enjoy feeding off of the mundane suffering of others far too much to watch them succeed. 


Thumbnail Image: Jonathan Borba

Utility Company Takes on Wrong Avocado Farmer After Causing Fire, Loses Out Big

An avocado farmer scored big time when a utility company's downed line set fire to his crop. He was completely fine with moving on with the matter and contacted the company to see if they could help replace the fence that was destroyed… to the tune of $10K. They denied all responsibility for the issue and told him to sue. So sue he did. If only they had just paid what he was initially asking, these idiots would have saved themselves a lot of grief… and a lot of coin too. 

This thread was posted Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by a family member of the farmer, Redditor u/SomeoneYouDontKnow70. In this thread, they recount the tale of their brother-in-law's experience growing avocados in California. They report that, while they don't know exactly how much their brother-in-law made out with, it was well worth his sister and brother-in-law's time.

When will these big corporations learn to own up for their mistakes? It would only save them money in the long run.



Uncomfortable, Weird And Dumb Moments Of DIY Construction

Building a house seems simple until you realize how easy it is for something to go wrong. "It's just four walls, a few pipes and a couple toilets, how hard can it be" is the first step to living in a death trap of your own making. The corners people are willing to cut can result in some extremely unaesthetic living conditions. For example, why do people invariably decide that the best place for an electrical outlet should be in a bathtub?

For every right way to do things, there are at least a hundred ways to do it wrong. And as much as we'd like to try sitting on a toilet that's conveniently raised six feet in the air, it's probably sort of uncomfortable. Though it likely does make one feel like a lord to be able to survey their land while dropping a grumpy.

Here are some perilously uncomfortable rooms with all bad vibes.

Service Industry Memes To Get The Most Out Of Working For Ungrateful People

Customers are an interesting breed. They seem to simultaneously not know what they want and have almost no means of asking for it, but at the same time, are willing to get abusive when they are given exactly what they asked for. A lot of the time, people like this just need an outlet to blame for their own miserable lives, but most of us would have at least a double shot of regret having just screamed at a barista for getting our order right.

 But lo and behold, if you're wearing a monochrome shirt with a logo on it, you have officially been designated a non-person in the eyes of the customer, and not only are you deserving of abuse, but you somehow crave it. They think being screamed at is the only way you'll ever learn that a latte is just what they personally like to call a macchiato, so when they order a latte, that's what they mean. You idiot.

Here are some more retail memes.

Manager Told to Cut Hours to Impossible Amount, "Cuts" Their Own Hours When They Walk Out

This manager found their workload increased dramatically when their co-manager was fired for a ridiculous reason. They then found themselves having to operate the entire store, which was rife with unique issues. The boss continued to be pettier and pettier. When they finally hired a replacement co-manager they expected the manager to "cut their hours" immediately. Which led to the titular confrontation.

This thread was posted to r/MaliciousCompliance by the manager in the story, Redditor u/A-Stackhouse. When they found themselves in this tricky situation they knew exactly what they had to do… Comply maliciously. 

Nobody likes a boss who justifies their own position by finding needlessly petty things to harass you about. Often they are doing so because they are being harassed by their superior as well and the only solution they can find is to pass the buck down the line. After all, as the old saying goes, sh*t flows downhill…

Guy Hooks Up With Dead Brother's Fiancée, Family Loses It, He Demands Apology

This is one of those rare moments that I can't entirely agree with the hive mind of Reddit. 

Reddit seems to predominately think that the OP's relationship with his dead brother's fiancée is all sunshine and rainbows… But I can see where the family would find the entire situation to be deeply problematic and I can, thus, see where the family is coming from. Have they reacted to the situation maturely and reasonably? Absolutely not. 

So, while there's a reasonable foundation for them taking issue… there's no excusing their behavior either. I can't help with agree with the minority of Redditors that "Everyone Sucks Here" ESH. 

I've learned one thing from this post, and that's just how real of a thing "Trauma Bonding" is. I had just assumed that it was something that was used for soapy romance plots but I suppose cliches are cliches for a reason. 

What's your take on this complicated issue?

Thumbnail Image: Scott Webb

Top Tinder Moments of the Week (April 26 2022)

Welcome to online dating! It's a wild world where you can say and do as you please, and not a lot of it means (or leads to) much of anything. This facade is just an elaborate, membrane-thin distraction from just how vulnerable and alone the delicate dance of courtship makes us feel. While the establishment of the internet may have opened the doors to an entire ocean of fish… You're still just a drop in the bucket and that's a daunting realization. Three photos and a witty tagline will determine whether or not the spouse (or hookup?) of your dreams lets you into their dm's or swipes you left into oblivion.   

This week's contestants include a range of angry individuals who are incredibly particular about the way that they are greeted. We've also got the Special Forces deployed and they're running operations to vet "worthy" individuals for their friend (That's a bold move.). You've got the usual jokers, hecklers, thrill-seekers, and those men and women that are maybe just a little too thirsty to be trusted. 

Desperation, I suppose, can be a sizeable fan for the flames of love. 

Blue Collar Workers are Sharing Hilarious and Accurate POV's on TikTok

It's hard work, but you gotta be able to laugh at it sometimes, just to stay sane.