This is one of those rare moments that I can't entirely agree with the hive mind of Reddit.
Reddit seems to predominately think that the OP's relationship with his dead brother's fiancée is all sunshine and rainbows… But I can see where the family would find the entire situation to be deeply problematic and I can, thus, see where the family is coming from. Have they reacted to the situation maturely and reasonably? Absolutely not.
So, while there's a reasonable foundation for them taking issue… there's no excusing their behavior either. I can't help with agree with the minority of Redditors that "Everyone Sucks Here" ESH.
I've learned one thing from this post, and that's just how real of a thing "Trauma Bonding" is. I had just assumed that it was something that was used for soapy romance plots but I suppose cliches are cliches for a reason.
What's your take on this complicated issue?
Thumbnail Image: Scott Webb
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