A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
22 Facebook FAILs From the Idiots of the Internet
Just your average every day idiots that have access to social media.
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48 People Share the Most Hilarious (and Sometimes Worst) Sexual Advances They've Ever Received
Some people just don't know how to make a sexual advance, as evidenced in these hilarious stories.
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Watch This Pregnant Cleaning Woman Get Caught Cheating By Her Husband
Woman Roasts Guy Who Scheduled 6 Dates in One Night and Live-Tweets the Epic Tale
There's an old saying, "Don't bite off more than you can chew." but unfortunately for this guy, that's exactly what he did.
When this girl got set up with this moron by her friends she was quick to catch onto his scheme and devised a plan of her own to save the rest of his dates from his sleazy clutches.
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15 Women Share the Obvious Sexual Advances They Made That Men Totally Missed
Some guys are totally oblivious!
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10 Savage Roasts That Caused Severe Burns
These harsh and edgy roasts started a bonfire of shame for their victims.
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26 Comical Conversations That Could't Have Played Out Any Worse If People Tried
These are nothing if not an inspiration to carpe that wrong-numbered convo scenario the next time someone botches a digit, and accidentally texts you. Clearly, there's a lot of laughs waiting to be had if you don't pass up the opportunity. We ran a previous collection of these last week right here, and you guys seemed to not entirely hate them...so we're back with some more this week!
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35 Hilarious Tinder Conversations That Will Get Your Blood Boiling
Funny and attractive? That's a winning combo for todays fast-dating landscape.
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