Thursday, September 22, 2022

Broke Memes for People Who Are Slightly Delusional About What They Can Afford

Being literally broke is definitely not funny, but we must admit that sometimes we just feel broke in a relative way. Like last week we may have had 15 more dollars to my name and now suddenly we can't get that chipotle bowl that we wanted and so we feel that we are significantly poorer suddenly. The good thing I've been broke, however, is that it's a great way to relate to other broke people. And they can definitely be funny sometimes to look back at questionable decisions we've made in the past when we felt cash poor. We've all been there.

Whether you're feeling extra broke today, or you actually fully have a stable job and you just wanna reminisce on the days that you were only able to afford $.99 Arizona's from 7-Eleven, we got you. This Memes list will surely bring a smile to your face.

20+ Incredibly Cursed Foods That Should Be Banned From Existance

There are some creations that people out there thought were brilliant when they came up with them that really shouldn't have come into existence at all. In fact, we should ban these people from even further participating in society. Items that make this list include the "peeing Calvin sticker" and "tow-hitch testicles," both of which are worshipped and frequently used by a certain particular demographic. Other things that I'd put on this list include subscription services for things that should be a one-time payment, gender reveal parties, and web advertisements with that little box in the corner that looks like it's going to close the ad but really clicks through.

Well, let's add some of these food creations to that list, shall we? The world really could have done without a 'Flaming Hot Cheeto encrusted chicken' and a 'Fruity Pebbles Pizza,' but those are just some of the more obvious ones; I'd also like to submit the face-shaped pie as a candidate for being banned from existence. 

For more terrifying edible experiences, check out this collection next.

Girlfriend Gets Dumped, Goes to Ex's Mom for Support and Leaves Crying

Just another classic story of boy meets girl, boy and girl break up, and girl cries about it to boy's mother!


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/throwawawa7, who writes about her son's recent breakup. They had been dating for over two years so, in fairness to the ex-girlfriend, she had formed a relationship with his family. 


However, after they broke up, some time passed and he began seeing someone new. Here's where things went way wrong. The ex went marching to his parents' place and wept about the breakup to his mother. Yikes. It seems like she handled things as well as one could in this situation. In fact, many of the comments on Reddit seem to suggest that she could have gone way further. Still, she managed to tell her son's ex that he hasn't done anything wrong by seeing someone new. This "reality check" set her off. Not only did she start crying louder, but also she told the mom that if she could "throw her away like this, then it's no wonder [the mom's] son can as well." 


If this girl had spoken to literally anyone in her life about whether or not it was a good idea to confront her ex's mother, they would have suggested that she process her feelings in any other way. I'd rather she vent to me before going to the boy's family. 


For more breakup content, take a look at this post about a guy who made his girlfriend pay for his family's meal. 

Employee Asks for Day Off for Grandfather's Funeral, Boss Makes Him Provide a "Funeral Note"

Horrible bosses really do have no say, don't they? This employee was forced to provide a funeral note after requesting a day off to attend his grandfather's service. 


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by u/snaresht, who took a photo of his boss's request. It's actually kind of crazy when you think about the absolute lack of shame here. Even if we don't know the full story about the employee's trustworthiness, some things should be kept off limits. This is precisely the reason why there's an unnecessary stigma against taking sick days and/or mental health days when that is 100% something all workers are entitled to take. Sure, perhaps this person might have had more luck if he or she took a sick day instead, but then that day could potentially take away from, I don't know, a legitimate sick day. Family emergencies should just not be questioned. Full stop. 


If we accept "funeral note" requests, what's next? Selfies in front of the casket? A video recording of the service? Leave these people alone! For more ridiculous content about bad employers, here is a story about a worker who was attacked by his boss's dog in the office.


Keep scrolling below for the original post and for the best comments!

'My manager insists I turn my camera and mic on': Manager late for web meeting on employee's day off, witnesses literal inferno via Zoom

This volunteer firefighter was threatened to be fired while attending a fire on their day off.

Employee Fired and Told His Work Is Worthless, Gets Better Job at the Competing Firm

These managers had no clue their former employee added so much value to the company. In fact, they told the employee his work was worthless. They learned the truth the hard way.


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Thinkstopsay, who shared a story about his accountant friend Bill. Although he was quiet and reserved, Bill always provided excellent data for over 15 years. However, because of his quiet nature, his work often went unsung. When his managers hired a consulting firm to help cut down costs, the firm wrongly determined that Bill added no value to the company and he was fired. 


Bill decided that because he apparently added no value, there was no need for him to do his work during his final month on the job. So, he spent all his energy getting a bigger and better job at the competition, where he was ultimately much more valued and helped increase revenue for his new company. Meanwhile, revenue for his former company declined significantly. This just goes to show that there is, in fact, some justice in this world!


For more content like this, check out this story about an awful nepotism hire finally hearing what he needed to hear. Keep scrolling below for the original post and for the best comments!

HOA Doesn't Want Dude Parking in His Own Driveway, Blocks Street Instead

We'll leave it for you to judge who is in the wrong here, but there ain't no way we're siding with the HOA. Even still, parking cars in front of your neighbor's house and blocking the street in the process is pretty damn entitled behavior… So we're finding it pretty hard to side with the poster either. It's probably the mounting jet lag and utter lack of sleep, but I'm having trouble agreeing with anyone today.

Harassing your neighbor with your car collection and making it, so the street is completely impassable is just not a good way to get even with your annoying HOA. Sure HOAs' are all too frequently the bane of many home-owning person's existences but dealing with them should involve less collateral to those who have to continue to exist around you.

That's my take on this one at least, it's not like the neighbors had any part in this. Whats your read on the situation?

Keep reading to see the screenshots below. For more HOA drama check out this HOA Karen who took issue with the particular type of shrubbery that the guy had in his yard.


Sickest Vaping Memes for People Who Rip the Fattest Clouds

Years ago, when cigarettes were starting to phase out and people no longer had interest in smoking, someone made a sneaky little device that you could store in your pocket that micro-combusted liquid tobacco juice to create the most convenient smoking experience of all time: The Vape. Now, when you smoke, you can avoid that ashy, burnt smell following you around all day. Instead you smell like unicorn farts and strawberry champagne. 


With billowing clouds of dense, foamy smoke seeming through the cracks in their car windows, it's a miracle they can even see out the front. Not only that, but people who vape also do sweet tricks with their dense smoke exhalation. 


Have you ever seen a tiny tornado on a coffee table? Now you can. Have you ever seen a smoke ring in a smoke ring? Now you have. Before 2012, people all over the country named Kevin or Kyle had nothing in common, but now, they're all representing the vape nation. That's so sick, bro.