A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Friday, July 10, 2015
Kid Has the Best Meh Reaction to Winning a New Xbox One
RIP Toronto Raccoon, Your Memory Will Live On Forever
You know it's a slow news day in Toronto when a dead raccoon captures the hearts and minds of the entire city.
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Some Seriously Sensitive Parents are Convinced This Minion Toy Has a Potty Mouth
McDonald's is in hot water after some keen eared parents found a reason to be outraged about a new Happy Meal toy promoting the Despicable Me spinoff movie, Minions. According to these concerned parents, the toy spouts a phrase not suitable for children, known in shorthand as WTF. One particularly concerned father hasn't let his child "lay hands on it because [he does] not approve of that kind of language, especially coming from a kids toy." At least one news station covering the story dutifully bleeps the profanity to keep your tender ears safe (just listen to the first minute or so, it's hilarious):
Not to be left without a conspiracy, another parent even believes the messaging is subliminal, saying, "you think about those words and the way they sound, you can definitely correlate the two and make it sound like it's saying that." Is McDonald's doing this on purpose?!
McDonald's has responded to the situation by saying, "Minions speak 'Minionese,' which is a random combination of many languages and nonsense words and sounds.... Any perceived similarities to words used in the English language are purely coincidental." So there you have it. No fu**s here, at least not from McDonald's.
What do you think is the minion toy dropping an F bomb?
Submitted by: (via Lance Taylor)
Some Seriously Sensitive Parents are Convinced This Minion Toy Has a Potty Mouth
McDonalds is in hot water after some keen eared parents found a reason to be outraged about a new Happy Meal toy promoting the Despicable Me spinoff movie, Minions. According to these concerned parents, the toy spouts a phrase not suitable for children, known in shorthand as WTF. One particularly concerned father hasn't let his child "lay hands on it because [he does] not approve of that kind of language, especially coming from a kids toy." At least one news station covering the story dutifully bleeps the profanity to keep your tender ears safe (just listen to the first minute or so, it's hilarious):
Not to be left without a conspiracy, another parent even believes the messaging is subliminal, saying, "you think about those words and they way they sound, you can definitely correlate the two and make it sound like it's saying that." Is McDonalds doing this on purpose?!
McDonalds has responded to the situation by saying, "Minions speak 'Minionese,' which is a random combination of many languages and nonsense words and sounds.... Any perceived similarities to words used in the English language are purely coincidental." So there you have it. No fu**s here, at least not from McDonalds.
What do you think is the minion toy dropping an F bomb?
Submitted by: (via Lance Taylor)