Sara is the hero we need and deserve.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Sara is the hero we need and deserve.
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Buildings, pictures, fixtures and more things that are all just very slightly off. As much as you want to correct them, they will never change.
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You should really watch how you behave yourself in HER dreams, man!
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Gotta love the monstrous confidence of a wildly ignorant internet. Good 'ol James was just trying his best....
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These are just the shameless makings of an A+ man cave!
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The username was the biggest giveaway during this cringe-packed conversation. Other than that, is this not further proof that the machines are slowly but surely taking over.
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You just can't compete with these brilliant geniuses. Their knowledge of art, science and philosophy is only matched by the likes of Mozart, Einstein, and Plato. How can we all live in our own paltry minds knowing that these mind-tyrants are out there, brooding on social media.
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Someone out there is ALWAYS having a worse day than you.
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WHO does this during their friend's life-defining moment? The audacity is truly unreal.
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Faith in humanity temporarily restored...
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If you're over the age of 30 and you're still bragging about how many natty lights you can throw down, it might be a good time to rethink what you're bringing to the table.
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