They look like food but they aren't. Go to r/forbiddensnacks to find more forbidden snacks.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
They look like food but they aren't. Go to r/forbiddensnacks to find more forbidden snacks.
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Now THAT is role playing. Job well done, sir.
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Expectations have nothing on the cold boot of reality.
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This woman found herself in quite the hairy situation. Seriously though, can you imagine this happening to you? She seems to have handled the little absurd debacle quite well, and even raked in some Twitter fame off the occasion.
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This wanted criminal was roasted so brutally that he'll probably want to just stay in his hiding place with Tupac.
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These dads took their "jokes" to a whole new level.
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These witty puns and jokes are filled to the brim with eye-rolling brilliance.
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This witty exchange makes us miss the days of armor trimming and pking in the wilderness.
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Kinda like when a guy gets a tattoo of the Chinese characters for "Radish Disco."
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We have more proof that James Fridman's a national treasure. This guy cannot, and will not, be stopped.
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