Sunday, September 6, 2020

Design Fails that Could've Been Avoided

Work is often annoying, and many of us try to get by with the minimum amount of effort. Usually, that's fine, but sometimes it can backfire in the form of design fails that were someone's one job. Frankly, it's kind of awesome when a logo accidentally looks like a butt so good work everyone, keep it up with the impressively unprofessional "not my job" moments.


Floor - NOTICE To use the diabled lift, please come upstairs to the buffet & notify a member of staff so that we can turn the power on. Thank You

2. The teeth!





Technology - 13 7 14 2 3 15 4 12A 11 5 12 18 6. 10 16 17


Chopsticks - TEXAS












Text - at all HAVE YOU EVER HAD POISON IVY? Yes No 73% 27%


Kettle corn - toods "gluten free"




Junk food - NONTOXIC for ages 5+ ICEE RATH BOMB GRAPE Coldest Drink inTOwn #Live ThelCEELife CONTENTS: 1 BATH FIZZIE NET WT 2.12 0Z (60 01






T-shirt - Pede OOwer


Motor vehicle - Anal School Vietnan


Pattern - GL MAKE YOUR OWN STYLE BEAD• TATTOOS Mache deine eigenn NL Perlen-Tattees Maak je eigen kralentattoes FIGeer ves propres tatouages de perles Grea tus propie tatuajes de per


Textile - TAC




Blond - What is VIVITROL? Ask your healthcare provider. Vivitrol extended release




Sign - Fale


Transport - OD MOBILE PONSORED BY LA Childre Help us score the gift of life, DONATE BLOOB. Hospite LOS'ANG nga Care H

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Entitled Employee Makes Mistake, Won't Own Up To It

Nothing wastes more time and emotional energy than an entitled and toxic piece of work that refuses to own up to their mistakes. Take this employee; they had quite the fail, and decided they'd approach their mistake with stubborn denial and a whole lot of attitude. Well, that certainly didn't work out for them. 


Text - r/IDOWORKHERELADY + Join u/roktol • 62d 1 I was the Boss's son, had an entitled employee on my crew make a mistake. Super long so apologies Edit: Thanks for gold. No idea what reddit premium even does. But thanks. A little background. My father owns a telecommunications repair company and before that he worked in the industry for years and since I hated daycare I spent every summer helping him and learning to weld, rig cellphone tower antennaes, shit like that. By the time I was 19 and dr


Text - Well he got a huge contract and hired five brand new guys with myself and another veteran thats been working for him for years as crew leads to run all the repair projects. I end up with this massive dbag who got fired from multiple different physical therapy clinics and is now 40 and unhireable by any other industry, but he has a massive superiority complex cause he has a bachelors and that somehow makes him better than tradesmen. On to the story. Me: Me, CL: The other crew lead, DB: dou


Text - We are on the first site on the first day of a job for a major client taking down old antennaes and putting up new ones. CL and I drive up to the site after morning meetings at the hotel with my dad and the client over Skype and we've brought lunch for everyone. CL realizes that he forgot his hard hat at the hotel and tells me he'll be back in half an hour. No big deal, its a simple job that I've done before with my dad. I drop the sandwiches in the refrigerated server room and go over to


Text - DB: They're fine Me: No they're definitely backwards DB: They're fucking fine. Go the fuck away bootlicker. (Guess that was his derogatory for me being the boss's kid) Me: No, they're backwards and by the time it gets up there the winch is gonna slip and that antenna is gonna drop. Bring it back down and fix it. DB: I don't have to do shit for someone who's half my age and couldn't make it through a year of college. Only reason you're here is you're daddy's kid and can't make it in the re


Text - Right as he finishes the sentence I hear the winch crack so I grab DB and run both of us into the server shelter (smashing all the sandwiches in the process) while the winch flies out of the hitch mount and the antenna drops like a rock onto the truck, carving straight through the cab and into the ground underneath. Me: Ah fuck, so you can't rig right and don't have the common sense to put the pin in to secure the winch to the truck? DB: There's no way that was my fault Me: Not only is it


Text - I spent the rest of the day calling OSHA, my dad, our insurance, and my mother (our accountant) to make sure that all the right reports get filed and our asses are covered on all bases. I'm assuring the other crew guys their paychecks aren't going to be affected and that l'll get them more sandwiches. After the end of day reports are finished my dad calls me up and tells me to fire DB for negligence. So I go up to him. Me: Hey. You're being let go. Sorry, but this incident is just somethi


Text - We drive three hours, interrupt my family's dinner, and then sit there smugly on the couch in my dads home office while he literally screams at this guy about costing him 100OK and maybe a lost contract and basically tells the guy he's filing a civil suit for negligence since I specifically came and told him he was doing something incorrectly. DB: What the fuck does he know. He's just a kid. Dad: I taught him how to rig a winch when he was eight and he did it right. You're a 40 year old m

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Religious Dad Asks for Forgiveness After Punching Virtual Stripper

Growing up when Grand Theft Auto was new was one hell of a time. Many of us had to hide the game from our parents, but it was still inevitable that they'd catch you doing some unsavory stuff. We always wondered how people with very strict or very religious parents dealt with it. They made for some interesting scenes, like how this person's religious dad out-religioned some evangelists at the door.


Text - r/tifu - Posted by u/TheBlackBradPitt 3 hours ago TIFU by making my Dad punch a stripper in GTA and tearfully ask God for forgiveness in front of my entire family. M I was encouraged to post this here from a comment I made elsewhere, even though it didn't happen today, or even this decade, so mods please remove if it goes against the rules. It's a very funny story though. When I was young, my brothers and I snuck a copy of San Andreas into the house. We spent days holed up in our basement


Text - careful though because sometimes the strippers would do a move and bump into CJ and the bouncers would shoot the place up. One day while I was playing my mom yelled down to the basement at us to get ready, we're going to Pizza Hut. In a stroke of genius, I drove to the GTA strip club, got on the stage, and then turned the TV off and we left. It was to be the heist of the century. My dad, however, was at church at this time, practicing for a gospel concert he was singing in. He always film


Text - Back at the Hut, my mom gets a phone call. She puts her napkin down and slowly looks around the table at us and says 'ooookay' a few times into the phone in this really calculating, specific way that she always did when she knew us kids were in trouble before we did. Naturally, it was at this point that we kids knew we were in trouble. For what, though, we didn't know. After a very quiet minivan ride, we get home and my mom says "Boys why don't we go down to the basement. Your dad wants t


Text - My dad starts in, "boys I don't even know where to begin. This PlayStation was a blessing to you for Christmas and this is how you repay us? By breaking our trust??" He is holding the controller up now, gesticulating with it. "Here I am, practicing to bring glory to God, and-“ but he was cut off, as he inadvertently squeezed the controller, causing CJ to punch the stripper. My entire family stands in silence, watching together as the bouncers in the strip club shoot the place up for what


Text - It's one of my favorite memories of growing up. I miss my brothers. TL;DR: Wasn't allowed to play GTA growing up, of course got caught playing it, my dad interrupted his own lecture by accidentally punching a stripper and immediately asked for God's forgiveness.

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Lion Opens Car Door, Humans Freak Out

Lion was probably just trying to get in his Uber ride. People can be so inconsiderate sometimes. 

Submitted by: (via Joshua Sutherland)

Tumblr Story: Snowplow Loses To Dad's Steel Enforced Mailbox

For whatever reason some people that walk this world like to make other people's life a waking nightmare. Take this snowplow driver; the snowplow driver would literally go out of his way to destroy a man's mailbox. So, dad did what any calculative and clever human being with a taste for executing a well warranted pro revenge would do; and dad proceeded to upgrade his mailbox to be a steel enforced monster of a thing. The rest is history and deserves its place in the hall of fame for revenges. 

For another case of satisfying pro revenge check out the time a senior manager got an employee fired, so the employee turned the tables.


Text - Grass - loloftheday Folgen 30050 APPED


Text - Let's see you little punks smash my letterbox now aerylon Folgen This reminds me of this guy who used to live on my dad's street. Every time it snowed, the snow plow would take out his mailbox - and only his mail box. And just to be clear - it was done


Text - intentionally. No one knows why, but the driver of the snow plow would target his box and mow it down. He'd call the DOT to complain, and would get an earful of excuses that amounted to "not our fault you have a wimpy mailbox." Fast forward to the next winter. First decent snow starts falling, and every kid is hoping for a snow day. It was right around 4:30 am that the whole neighborhood was woken up to this loud CLANG and the screech


Text - of tearing metal. My dad made it to the window first and started laughing his ass off. Sitting out side was one very totaled, and almost ripped in half, snow plow. And these weren't little pick-up trucks with a blade on the front, we have these up in NY:


Snow - Mobil bil ING To


Text - Well, turns out over the summer, my daď's neighbor got himself a backhoe and sank a steel I beam into the ground in his front yard. Then he covered it with a decorative wood sleeve and topped it with a brand new mailbox. When the snowplow driver tried to mow it down it was a bad case of immovable object meets unstoppable force - and the mailbox won. With the plow firmly impaled


Text - on the I beam, it was very clear that the driver had gone out of his way to hit it. Naturally, the DOT wasn't happy, and the neighbor's reply was simple: “Not my faulty you have a wimpy snowplow." They did try to sue him for the damages, but as he had gone to the town, gotten approval for the post and its installation, and made sure everything was up to code, it was thrown out pretty quick. And for anyone wondering about the driver... He was fine. His job and tighty-whiteys... not so much

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Supervisor Talks Down To Dishwasher, Ends Up Suffering

Ah, typical Chad. Chad had the audacity to belittle another employee just doing their dang job, and ended up paying the price for it. Love to see it. 


Text - r/ProRevenge u/TheOnlySez • 17h + JOIN 5 3 5 Supervisor belittles me, I make him suffer Strap in! This is a long one! Note: All names have been changed for privacy reasons. For those of you who don't know about my old job from my "I don't work here" story, I got a job back


Text - when was about 19 or 20 years old at my town's public hospital in their food service department. I stayed with the place for three years, but it has gone down as one of the worst jobs I ever had for many reasons. Bitchy nursing staff, insane hours, overworking me and coworkers, and just overall a very toxic work environment. I went in as a socially awkward girl with no spine for conflict or standing up for myself, and came out a much stronger person because of this place, but there is a p


Text - Let me set it up for you. My official title was a Food Service Aide, or Aide for short. My job I was hired for was to collect dirty trays and dishes from carts on their respective floors, wash all of the dishes that came into my dish room, and put them into the dish machine to be sanitized, before I let the dishes dry and store them where they needed to go. Then, at the end of the night, I would break down the machine and clean the filters of leftover food, and drain the water tanks of di


Text - acquainted with the dish machines we had, (first one was 20+ years old and finally died on us. R.I.P. Big Bertha) and I could troubleshoot a problem with it since I like machines enough to learn as much as I can about them. My boss took notice of this, and how hard I worked in the dish room every day. So he began to have me learn about the other parts of the department so I could fill in whenever someone called in: Cooking on the grill and serving food in the cafeteria, cashiering, helpin


Text - person, it was. Due to staff cutbacks, we were short a lot of manpower, so a couple of us had to learn as much as possible to keep us afloat. Now, onto the story. I had already been working in this small hospital for just over a year at the time, and I was determined to stay at least a few years to help make my work history look pretty good in the stance of longevity. That, and pure stubbornness I guess. In that time, my boss hired a new


Text - Supervisor for our department, who will now be called Chad. At first, Chad seemed like a pretty nice guy. And me, being the awkward dork I am, tried to help him fit in with the others at work. I told jokes to him, got him to open up a bit to the others, and soon he was able to have a conversation rather easily. All was good! Then he passed his 3 mark probation period, and was no longer being constantly watched by Boss.


Text - Chad turned into an insufferable asshole. He began to bark orders as if he owned the kitchen, demanding to know why certain things weren't being done HIS way, and overall was slowing down production tremendously for everyone. Not to mention, he himself was a lazy cunt. When there would normally be 2 people washing dishes,


Text - if one of them called in, it would mean whoever was there had to pick up the slack and do it all by themselves. Chad wouldn't lift a finger to help, unless he knew Boss was going to be in the kitchen and not in his office by HR. And even then, Chad didn't know what he was doing. And to top it all off, he made it a point to take jabs at ME in front of the others, trying to make me look stupid because I was the youngest member of the department.


Text - It felt like I had gone back to High school, being the quiet nerdy girl who was picked on for liking things out of the norm, and being laughed at for being "weird." I like to draw, love anime, and play video games. So when the topic of, "What are you gonna do on your days off?" came up, I usually said something like, "I'm gonna relax at home and play (insert game) after doing some chores." Then Chad would make a remark like, "Wow, you play video games? You must not have a life." Asshole.


Text - It got to the point where I was so fed up with Chad's bullshit, that I began to grow a bit of backbone. I was fed up with constantly having anxiety working with him, and hiding in the bathroom sobbing during my shift when he was making my life a living hell. I began to make


Text - cracks back at him, and get into yelling matches with him in the kitchen (no sound escaped the doors once they were closed, so no one outside the department heard us.) He couldn't fire me, only tell my boss and sign a write up, which he never did because he saw it as a way of losing to me in our arguments. Any time he made jokes at me, I threw them right back, and when I knew he was doing something wrong, I would fight back and tell him how it was supposed to be done. This went on for a f


Text - As a dish washer, you're supposed to take temperatures in the dish machine to ensure it's working properly. It's supposed to reach a certain temperature when washing dishes to ensure everything is being sanitized properly. If not, there could be an outbreak in the hospital from germs or mold. All the temperatures and times were recorded on a sheet and placed in a folder in the Dietitians office by the dish room. I was making my usual rounds of taking temps, when I noticed the machine was


Text - drained in a while, or if something was seriously wrong with the machine. As I was draining the water, Chad comes in and sees me doing this. He was FURIOUS and begins to rant. Chad: What are you doing?! We still have piles of dishes to wash! Me: Temps were low, gotta drain the water and see if that fixes it. I think- Chad: How the HELL is that going to fix it?! You're just wasting time! Me, visibly annoyed: If you'd let me finish, l'm seeing if morning shift drained the water or not. If n


Text - I get up and look him in the eye, knowing he was lying since he always asked me to take care of the machine at closing. Me: Prove it. Show me how. He was about to yell again, when my Co-worker Dean in the diet office peers into the dish room. Chad's face turns red, and he gives me a death glare before storming off. I continue to work on


Text - the machine, and once the tanks refilled, I initialed all of my temps and times on the sheet before returning it back in the office. The day goes by, and after a hellish time on the floors serving patients, I was in the middle of my cleaning duties with the Cook and Dean. I get called by Chad, saying that Boss wanted to talk to us. So, after making sure the dish machine was cleaned, I walked with him to Boss' office. There, Boss begins to tell me that Chad had given him evidence that I wa


Text - supposed to for the Dish Machine. He said that thankfully, Chad took the temps, but if I wanted to keep from getting into trouble and to keep the department from getting into LEGAL trouble, I needed to step up and be a "team player." He said that I was getting a verbal warning, but if I did this again, I would receive a write up or possible suspension. My jaw hits the floor, and even though Chad is smiling smugly in the corner, I chose not to argue with my Boss and head back to the depart


Text - took them... but the bastard actually photocopied the page, whited out my initials, and replaced them with his initials! He then traced over the pre-existing handwriting to make it look legit, with his initials!! He made it look like I had not taken temps all day during my shift. I wracked my brain wondering how the hell he could have gotten away with it with no one noticing him, and then it hit me. He must have done it in the diet office when no one was around, due to Dinner trays being


Text - It came about a month later. Now since we are a hospital in a small town, it was normal for us to get Catering orders for the members of HR andUpper Management for when they had meetings upstairs. Those orders were easy, because usually they wanted chips, pre- made sandwiches, and soda for about 10-15 people. However, we occasionally got HUGE Catering orders for district meetings, and that was when we would bust out the Catering dishes. Large white immaculate plates, silverware, glass cup


Text - tea, and cloth napkins were usually used for these events, and even though it was A LOT more dishes for the understaffed Aide's, it was pretty simple. This particular order was for the CEO, his workers, HR, Doctors, Head Nurses, and the Higher ups who owned the Hospital's contract. The estimated amount to be served was about 150 people, since many members of the board were going to show up as well. Usually we got the huge orders a week in advance, so the Supervisor can arrange the schedul


Text - This was my chance for revenge. As always, Chad didn't lift a finger to help me in the Dish Room, and the entire room was completely full of dirty dish carts from the floors. The hospital had about 95 patients that were eating, and Morning shift had been running behind, so I had both breakfast AND lunch dishes to clean. It wouldn't have been so bad, if we didn't have to take apart the trays one by one to make sure no needles or blood were on the trays, and clean each piece. I was stressed


Text - Order would be due any time now. But, I kept myself calm and tried to keep doing my job. A few hours go by, and Chad calls out to me to shut off the dish machine (it was very loud), and tells me to go and pick up the Catering order. Instead of arguing with him, I decided to do it, and asked if he was going to help me. He gives me a shit eating grin, and tells me, "I have better things to do. You can do it alone." Perfect.


Text - So despite me being exhausted, sweaty, and have a wet uniform from my dishwasher apron with holes in it, I made my way to the Management floor. I scope out the damage, and I realize i'm going to have to make two or more trips across the hospital to clean this up. I begin to pick up the dishes in the meeting room, take off the table cloths, and stack them on one of the two long carts. While i'm about to clean up the food serving table, I look over to see the door that led into the HR offic


Text - and having sprained my ankles so much growing up, because it was easy to do this. While I was cleaning up, I deliberately tripped on a chair that was left slightly out and went crashing onto the floor. I sprained my ankle doing this, which was what I was planning, and the glassware I was carrying fell and crashed to the floor. The two women in HR heard this and rushed over to see me laying on the floor with shattered glass all around me and a few minor cuts on my arms, and they rush over


Text - Jill: Are you okay!? Me: I'm alright... / say on the brink of tears. Jane: Are you sure? Here, lets get you into a chair. Me: Th-Thank you... i'm sorry.. i'm so sorry, please don't tell my Boss... They help me up into a chair, and when they check me over to see i'm in tears, they began to ask me questions. Jill: Where is your help? Me: It's just me right now... i'm supposed to pick this up and take it back to wash them. Jane: Seriously? All by yourself? Why didn't you get someone to help


Text - as best as I can, but I keep falling more and more behind! At this point, I begin to cry uncontrollably. All of the stress and emotions I had bottled up from the past few months from working with Chad and the department, had finally built up so much, that I let loose my repressed emotions on these two ladies. I told them about the under-staffing, the insane amount of overtime I and my co-workers were getting, how I was the only one doing dishes that day, how my Supervisor refused to help


Text - Once I calmed down, they told me they wanted to see just how bad things had gotten in the Dish Room. If it was as bad as I said it was, they would make a case with my Boss. So with their help, they helped me get back to the dish room with the carts of dirty dishes, and I held onto the cart while limping down the hall. Once we got to the staff door for my department's dish room, I told them to wait outside while pushed the carts in. Confused, they comply and hug the wall, waiting


Text - to see what happened next. I slipped into the Dish room with the carts like nothing happened, and Chad comes in and glares at me. At this point, the room was completely full of dishes, carts, and now two catering carts that took up a large amount of space. You could barely walk through the damn place. We then begin our normal yelling match, all while the door was left slightly open behind me. Chad: About time you came back!! What took you so long?!


Text - Me: I was picking up a order by myself, what did you expect Chad?! Chad: I was expecting you to do your job! Clearly you cant, look at all of these trays!! Me: I just picked up and began to work on Lunch when you told me to get the catering! Did you do any of these while I was gone!!? *Gesturing to the room* Chad: No, I had my OWN work to do! You're just too slow! Me: How the hell am I supposed to wash dishes when i'm picking up the catering order?! Chad: Not my problem, do your job or yo


Text - and disgust from what they just listened to, and they reassure me that this was going to stop. Now. We walk together back to the Management floor, and as I limp into Boss' office behind them, the two ladies began to go off on him about Chad and what he had been doing. Confused, Boss had no idea what they were talking about, and looked to me for an explanation. However, Jill and Jane told him to follow us, and we walked back to the department. At this point, my ankle was throbbing with int


Text - When we got to the Dish room and opened the door, my Boss was appalled at the amount of work that was left for me. And when he heard that there was no second or even third back up dish washer scheduled, he almost lost it. He called for Chad, and the four of us waited in the Dietitian's office. While we waited, I told them I didn't want him to lose his job over this, but I wanted him to know how I felt being left with so much work. I really felt this way, but a huge part of me just wanted


Text - of fake concern and confusion. Though, his act fails, as Boss began to demand why he didn't schedule someone to help me. He told Boss he had been helping me as much as he could today, but Jane and Jill stop him and repeat what he told me before. Boss is disgusted, and he looks to Chad after discussing the situation more. Boss: This is whats going to happen. OP hurt herself cleaning up the Catering, so she's going home for the day and will be off for two days. Chad: She cant go home, we're


Text - going to suffer because YOU screwed up. Chad: B-But... Boss: Also, I don't care how much overtime this accrues, you are staying after. Chad: ... What for? Boss: Tonight, you're gonna be the dish washer. All by yourself; you're going to wash every single one of those dishes AND the catering order. And since its almost time for Dinner to be served to patients, I guess you will be doing those too. If you leave ANYTHING for morning crew to clean up, and if the department isn't cleaned like it


Text - as I limped out the door. When I got back to my car, I was smiling so much, that my cheeks were hurting all the way back to my house. Epilogue After I got back from my two day break, noticed that there were empty slots open on the schedule that said, 'New Hire' but no hours. It seemed that after the talk, HR decided to grant us new hiree slots to help with our under staffing, but the slots were still empty. I also found out something that was just icing on my beautiful revenge cake. I fou


Text - about Midnight cleaning the entire load of dishes that he let pile up on me, and the next day, he even helped the one person he scheduled for morning dishes to clean up Breakfast, since he scheduled himself to work the morning shift. But the cherry on top, was that when there were large catering orders, Chad had to set up and then clean up the orders from then on, since he was convinced it could all be done by one person. So when he was cleaning a large catering order by himself in the di


Text - much of the catering order left to clean up. I smile and said simply, "Not my problem, do your job." Boom. Edit: Oh my god, thank you so much everyone! I never thought people would enjoy my stories from my old work days. If you would like to hear more tales from when I worked crappy jobs growing up, please let me know! :) Oh! And to those who DM'd me asking if you can read this on YouTube, feel free! I would love a link to see the video and hear your reading of it. <3

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