"You can't demand free services from people you constantly disrespect, that's not how life works."
A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
"You can't demand free services from people you constantly disrespect, that's not how life works."
What makes a good prank? One step is to know that the value of the joke itself outweighs the cruelty. It also helps when the intended target is the kind of person who can take a joke. Or if that person can't take the joke, it helps if they're universally hated. But if you've got that , you're most of the way there for a quality pranking. Basically what you're not looking for is to just make someone cry nonstop. It's a bit of a buzzkill.
So here are some pranks that, for whatever reason, didn't exactly go as planned. Or they worked too well, and that was the problem. It's all fun and games submitting your friend's obituary to the local newspaper until you have to explain to his parents that no, he was not in fact killed in a "terrifying butt exploding accident."
For a delectable tale of prankery, here's the woman who escalated her annual holiday prank war.
Something about someone receiving penance for their misdeeds through a torrential flood just strikes a biblical chord. They definitely should have prepared their Ark. However, if there was a "survival of the fittest" scenario, I don't like this person's chances.
This tale was posted to the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit this week by user u/Controlled01, where it earned a very respectable 12k upvotes.
u/Controlled01 tells the story of the time that they were asked to deliver water to a clueless new customer. See, u/Controlled01 worked for a water delivery company that provided water to people who didn't have a connection to city water or a private well. When one of their clients moved out, and a new one moved in, the new client refused to acknowledge any best practices or install sensors that would allow them to know when their tanks were empty or full.
This complete lack of willingness to acknowledge rhyme or reason would lead to the incident.
Comments were surprising on this one. I can not believe the number of stories people had about bungled tanker deliveries. There are so many drivers connecting into incorrect tanks and dumping gasoline into aquifers or water into gas tanks. It's insane. Surely, some bare-minimum qualifications must be required to service something that could have disastrous consequences.
What would you do if your coworker got their head stuck in a storm drain? Or if your boss didn't show up to work because he glued his hand to the toilet? Or if the CEO took everyone's lunch out of the fridge and started feeding it all to seagulls. Or if the best man at your wedding started crying because he swallowed the rings, and he needed juice to wash them down with. You'd probably think "what is this, Florida?" And you might be right. While that kind of behavior would be unthinkable for any reasonable adult of sound mind, it happens all day, every day to kids.
Table corners get softened. Bleach gets placed on high shelves. All of this happens because, man, we don't know what they're gonna do. And neither do they.
Can we blame kids for their weirdness? To be fair, they have underdeveloped brains and zero social skills. But also, yeah we can still blame them. Here's some more proof that kids are almost a different species.
Some of us are perfectly content keeping our mouths shut for fear of making a scene, even when we know that something deeply wrong is afoot. Not so with this guy, who was privy to the fallout of his brother's previous relationship, and the continued garbage behavior of the new woman going out of her way to mock the mother of her new husband's kids. Maybe these miserable people deserve each other.
OP, who was slated to speak at the wedding, decided to forego convention and let people know a little bit of what was on his mind in the form of an absolutely terrific slam. If only we could all be so bold as to risk burning family bridges for the sake of an incredible burn.
The internet was almost unanimous in the observation that, while he was being an asshole, this level of assery was nothing compared to the crap the groom was up to, and that there should be a new classification for justified outbursts such as this.
For some spicy stories of infidelity, here are people sharing how they figured out their ex was cheating.
So, you've finally created your masterpiece: a dead tree covered in doll heads with glowing eyes. It's your creation and you're proud of it. It took countless hours to wire it correctly, as well as apply lipstick to all the doll heads. And you think to yourself: "If only the world could see this beautiful work of art! I know, I'll put it up for sale on the internet. What does a doll-head-tree go for these days, a thousand bucks? Better make it two."
A lot of things end up for sale, and for many different reasons. Sometimes people just wanna see if they can make a buck off some junk they were gonna throw away anyway. Sometimes delusional artists need a place to hock their wares. And sometimes people put things up for sale out of nothing but pure spite. Those are the spiciest ones.
For some more questionable wares, here are more dumb and weird things people tried selling online.
There's no question that life is unfair. But maybe the question we should be asking is "why does life have to be so unfair in such ridiculously specific ways?" If people used a little critical thinking on a daily basis, we wouldn't be in this situation, but obviously that's too much for us. So instead, we all float through life, aware of, and constantly dealing with infuriating double standards across all level of society.
But since it's virtually impossible to make every instance of "being a double-standard-having jerk" illegal, we are left with the personal responsibility of having to be more sympathetic to others on a one-to-one basis. Seeing someone be praised or punished for your exact behavior is absolutely infuriating, and the amount of mental hoops one has to jump through to land on "well it's different for them because they're not you" is annoying as hell. Maybe the one constant is that double standards are something that affects every single one of us. Maybe.
A woman gave birth to her third child without even notifying her husband that she was going into labor. This puzzling situation arose after the couple had a falling out over the Mother-in-Law's insistence that the couple name the child "Francine" after her grandmother.
This thread was posted by the wife, Redditor u/Significant_Tip_59 (OP), to the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit following the conflict, birth of her child, and subsequent disputes. Her husband was determined to take his mother's side and refused to listen to OP's wishes regarding the naming of her child. She wanted to name the child Valerie after a sentimental memory her family shared over the Amy Winehouse song of the same name.
I'm sorry, but if we're talking songs named Valerie here, we need to bring this classic into the conversation.
"So wild, standing there
With her hands in her hair
I can't help remember
Just where she touched meThere's still no face
Here in her place
So cool, she was like
Jazz on a Summer's day
Music, high and sweet
Then she just blew awayNow she can't be that warm
With the wind in her armsValerie, call on me
Call on me, Valerie
Come and see me
I'm the same boy I used to be."
Valerie by Steve Winwood
Read on for the full story below.