Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Woman Rejects Her Classmate, He Whines About Getting Walked Over For Being A "Nice Guy"

Creepy nice guy freaks out on his classmate after she rejects him, and complains that he gets walked over for being a "nice guy."

This "nice guy" showed his real colors after his classmate rejected him. He proceeds to unload a barrage of rage-fueled messages about how he gets walked over for being a "nice guy" and complains that he has to spend money to hang out with her in the first place. 

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Bully Boss Tries To Withhold Employee's Last Paycheck

Bully boss tries to withhold an employee's last paycheck, so they take him to court and win $5,000.

This maniacal and all around shitty boss tried to withhold an employee's last paycheck after a botched procedure. So, they proceeded to stand up for themselves, took the terrible boss to court, and ended up winning $5,000 for what could have been a mere $275 offense. 

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Classic WoW Memes That Hit Close To Home

A collection of classic WoW memes that hit close to home for any gamers out there.

These classic WoW memes are sure to strike some chords for the World of Warcraft gamers/fans out there. All we need is South Park to do another Warcraft episode and we are set to jet. 

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Howard Stern Tries To Educate Dave Grohl On His Own Song

Hey Dave, let me tell you what your song is about really quick. 

Submitted by: (via The Howard Stern Show)

Dumb and Clever Jokes That Are Technically Correct

Memes, puns, and jokes, that are technically true.

It's not what you'd think in the first place, but you can't say they're wrong. These are the fruits of the smart-asses of the internet, with extra emphasis on the ass. You may groan, you may not get it and you may insist these people are wrong. You may also love em. Anyway, here are some memes, puns, dad jokes and moments that, while potentially dumb, are technically correct.

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10 Of The Pettiest Petty Revenge Cases

A collection of petty revenge cases from people on Reddit.

We've pulled together 10 of the pettiest petty revenge cases that the folks of Reddit have ever seen, for your viewing pleasure. These revenges are the living, breathing, definition of "petty." We can only imagine how satisfied the petty masterminds behind the petty revenges must've been. 

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Things That Are Pretty Much Scams But Most People Accept As Legitimate Business

Fees, businesses and services that are basically scams.

There are a surprising amount of businesses out there that exist not because their service requires that much time or skill, but because of some dubious sociological precedent in place, or because they actively try to keep people from knowing the truth. Unlike these things people wrongfully think are scams, some industries are just run by bastards. 

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Apple's iPhone 11 Design Triggers People's Inner Trypophobia

People's inner trypophobia gets triggered by Apple's iPhone 11 design.

Apple's iPhone 11 is triggering everyone's inner trypophobia like none other. There's just something extremely unsettling about those little robo-eyes being placed together so closely. It's like they're staring into the depths of your soul, and plotting how they're going to destroy you. All in all, an unnerving design from Apple on their latest iPhone. We can see why people are uneasy. 

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Lawyers Share The Ways They've Seen People Screwed Over In Court

Lawyers share the ways they've seen people screwed over in court, in an AskReddit thread.

Someone on AskReddit, asked lawyers to disclose the worst ways they've seen people screwed over in court. The replies are filled to the brim with people just getting absolutely decimated by the system. 

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Frustrating Cheapskates Who Made Their Selfishness Someone Else's Problem

People being generally selfish, demanding ridiculous free stuff and services.

The world is full of choosing beggars who think it's proper procedure to demand stuff for free, then get really upset when they don't get it. They come from all walks of life and end up on message boards and DMs frustrating the living shit out of people trying to sell stuff, make legit art and do other business.

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Guy Gets Catfished By Girl's Thirsty Mom

Guy gets catfished by a girl's thirsty mom on Instagram.

Twitter user @TheeDreadGod, shares a story about the time he got catfished by a girl's especially thirsty mom. She led him on, and used her daughter's pictures to eventually get him to show up at a BBQ. It was there that he found himself in the middle of a very tense situation with a friend who was dating the girl; and then suddenly, her mom comes out of the woodwork to tell him the truth. What a mess, if it's actually true. Either way an entertaining little read! 

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Messy and Convincing Reasons to Not Have Kids

Children making messes and generally being terrible.

There's no question that kids are stupid creatures. We don't hate them, we're just impartial enough to acknowledge that they're dumb little idiots who make a lot of stupid mistakes, are boring to talk to, and have meltdowns over the dumbest things. Again, we do not hate children. That said, they are in fact, a hassle, as the following images go to show.

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Old Man Fights Back Against Telemarketer With Donald Duck Impression

Here we were afraid of answering our phones and wracking our brains trying to think of clever ways to mess with telemarketers when it turns out you can just throw on some Duck and call it good. Honestly a better Donald Duck than we were expecting.

Submitted by: (via Optimistic)

The College Life Summed Up In 40 Tweets

The college life summed up in a collection of hilarious and relatable tweets.

The following collection of tweets are all kinds of relatable for anyone who has ever muddled through the often disorienting, exhausting, and generally ridiculous college years. This just further deepened my sweet relief that I'm done with school. What a rollercoaster that whole college thing was. 

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Indian Woman Clears Up Misleading Tumblr Thread

Indian woman calls out and clears up a misleading Tumblr thread.

Gotta love when someone successfully destroys an ignorant Tumblr user with cold hard facts. This woman put a hard stop to the misleading information that was going into this Tumblr user's original "historical fun facts." Job well done. 

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Unprofessional Times People Messed Up Their One Job

Fails, crappy designs, and other mistakes from people who had one job.

Don't let the world fool you, almost everyone is doing a bad job all the time. Whether you edit news and magazine layouts or have ever designed stuff that needed extra thought, there are a monstrous amount of failures performed by everyone every day. Sure, it might not be your fault. Sometimes life just hits you with some misfortune. Anyway, here are some from folks who had one goddamn job.

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