Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Pets In Panorama Mode Are Terrifically Fun Abominations

Panorama mode. It lets us take okay, somewhat choppy 360 degree photos of landscapes. But if used on a living, breathing, moving thing, there's a pretty good chance your gonna turn a cat into a caterpillar or a dog into an affront to dog himself. There are extra heads and legs everywhere. These poor animals are just getting their virtual bodies warped beyond comprehension. Go too far and it's not uncommon that a dog ends up looking like an anteater. There are cats that come out looking like furry octopuses and at least one Cerberus. The dogs with multiple heads are the lucky ones. It's the ones that looks like a head with legs, or just a pile of dog that really make us feel weird.

Okay, maybe having a 40 foot long dog wouldn't be so bad. You could start petting its head and then just work your way up to a jog before getting to the tail.

Anyway, animals are fun, and they're even strange creatures when the circumstances are up to them. For example, here are some times cats chose literally anything over their actual beds.

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