Saturday, June 13, 2020

Hell Manager's Dumb Policy Gets His Head Covered in Trash

Work isn't exactly fun, but having to spend all day with an irresponsible boss can turn your job into a living nightmare. Sometimes a new boss will try to change things in a stupid way and it's oh so satisfying when they get nailed by their own policy. To push things further, sometimes you meet people who just straight up do not give a heck.


Text - Posted by u/TinderGuy11 22 hours ago New owner wants us to carry garbage bags through a crowded restaurant...okay, you're the boss oC L This is another story about my bartending days, and I'll preface by saying, even though it got my point across, not then, nor do I now feel good about what happened here. So slight backstory, I was working as a bar manager in a student pub. The new owner and I haaaated each other, it was actually scary just how deep that hatred ran. However, I was his fas


Text - So the bar was at the front of the store, the exit was right by the front entrance, which lead through a caged off alley, which lead to the alley where we dumped all the garbage from the bar and restaurant. We had always carried the refuge out that way, it was easy, effective and we didn't have to walk through the restaurant carrying garbage bags. So, obviously, the new owner made the rational decision to start locking that way off and forbidding us from using it. This meant we now had to


Text - I had protested this at several staff meetings, explaining to him that us not being allowed to go that way doubled the trip, which left the bar a man short for double the time, it was also double the time for the bags to tear, considering they were usually filled with heavy and sometimes broken bottles and mostly, it was just unsanitary walking through the restaurant and kitchen with bags that were usually dripping, obviously, he refused and said we will continue doing it his w


Text - So, I decided to take this task upon myself and to venture out of the bar.I felt like Frodo carrying the ring to Mordor. As I mentioned, the bag was already over it's recommended weight capacity, so I had to get through this crowd fast, because I could feel it was going to tear quickly. Some of the glass had broken inside the bag too, and had started cutting into me as I tried carrying the bag from the bottom to keep it from tearing open, all the while fighting my way through a crowd of d


Text - I tried getting the stupid boss' attention, begging him to move so I could get past. The boss ignored me; I'll say that the first time it was entirely possible that he may not have heard me over the crowd and the loud music. So, I tried again...this time he looked straight at me, and then continued to ignore me anyway. Queue the malicious compliance as I lifted the bag right over him and the girl..just for it to tear open right above them, drowning them both in dripping bottles of beer an


Text - I, innocently, said that I wouldn't have had to if he had just let us go through the alley. The owner gave me the biggest death glare I had ever gotten, then took the alley key off his key ring, threw it at me and stormed out of the even though I had been forced to cover a girl in glass to get my point across, I still walked out of this battle victorious. Just to add, this happened back in 2008 and I haven't bartended since 2009. I just enjoy recalling these stories because of ho


Text - No-one asked for this, but I'm gonna give a list anyway of why I say this was the worst boss I ever had and why I later just really stopped caring and became the kind of employee that nightmares are made of. - He would constantly 'forget' my name...even though we shared the same first name. - Although I was the bar manager, he would give his girlfriend and friends shifts above me and pay them higher wages. - In our first December, he'd put himself on managing shift and put me on as waiter


Text - - e hired the brother of a friend of his, who was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. When the other managers and I tried convincing him to fire this guy who was clearly unstable and making us all feel unsafe, he refused. That guy ended up holding up the shop by holding a broken bottle-neck to my throat. The only concern the owner ever showed was about the damage to his shop. - I had had an accident (not at work) where I cut off a piece of my toe. This had, temporarily, halted my bartending


Text - - He took ALL the waiters and bartenders to a music festival, leaving me behind to run the shop alone, never taking into account that the festival was ending that day, so all the students were returning and we had an all-you-can-eat pizza special running...I'll let you use your imagination on that one. - In a drunken rage, he assaulted one of the waiters for not cleaning his tables fast enough. - While there was hardly enough money available to buy stock to keep the bar running, he would


Text - - After a massive party the night before, he told all the cleaners they could take the morning off and left me alone on shift to get the entire place cleaned up between 9 and 11. The place was wrecked. When I didn't finish in time, he yelled at, stormed out of the shop and didn't return again for the rest of the day. - While I was off and hanging out with friends, he would beg me to come help out behind the bar, to which I would agree, only to be cursed at mere seconds later because the b


Text - MikeyTheGuy Score hidden · 20 hours ago I don't think carrying trash through a dining room is a violation in most places (though really gross), but putting broken glass in a bag that can rip definitely IS a safety violation in most places. Could have easily gotten the restaurant in trouble for that if this was the U.S.. TinderGuy11 Score hidden - 20 hours ago Lol, I think if this was the US that place would have been shut down years ago. At the end of the night, after the kitchen was clos


Text - bbygodzilla Score hidden - 21 hours ago Lol why are bar/restaurant managers such power-drunk asshats? I have a similar story, but didn't end as satisfying as this Score hidden · 20 hours ago I have no idea, and it's so true though. Managers, the words of Jim "God, this is so sad. This is TinderGuy11 the smallest amount of power I've ever seen go to someone's head."


Text - ronlugge Score hidden · 22 hours ago This is another story about my bartending days, and I'll preface by saying, even though it got my point across, not then, nor do I now feel good about what happened here. But at least you don't have to feel bad about it. The idiot put you in a no-win situation. TinderGuy11 Score hidden · 21 hours ago Yeah, I just felt bad for the girl, although - just like the stupid boss - she shouldn't have been sitting there in the first place as they were also bloc

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