Saturday, February 13, 2021

Rude Professor Won't Allow ADA Compliant Tablet, Pays for It

It doesn't seem like letting a student have an incredibly necessary tablet would be such a big deal, but ol' professor decided to get real cocky about it. On the opposite side of things, some educators are actually pretty cool, like these teachers who pulled total bro moves.


Font - Posted by u/KiSpacePanda 22 hours ago O 9 O 2 28 32 3 27 9 2 44 13 2 Tell me to drop the class if I don't like your rules? Okay, then you'll lose 5 students and your job. oc M This happened years ago but a post on here reminded me of it. So when I was a freshman in college I registered for a basic ass English 102 course that doubled as a humanities credit. I thought “great, two birds one stone" despite the Rate My Professor for this class being abysmal at best.


Font - A few things to note, I have ADHD and dyslexia (bs ds ps and gs) so I have a hard time reading most times but especially handwritten stuff. Even my own. It's also important to note that I had an ADA allowance on file (meaning I get some permissions to allow me to take classes and function as normally as possible). These permissions included use of my tablet during class to write notes and about an hour longer on tests.


Font - Well first day of class, the professor strolls in with the arrogance and snobbitude of someone who thinks they're getting tenured this year. He starts talking, going over the syllabus and says "there will be no phones, laptops or technology of any kind in my class. You will write all your notes by hand" which isn't going to work for me, so I raise my hand and ask him if I can talk to him privately about the rule.


Font - That went over about as well as a lead ballon and he starts getting snippy and says "anything you need to talk with me about can be found in the syllabus". But again I said that I needed to talk to him and that it was pretty important. Finally he just says to say it to the class, he doesn't have time to take out to deal with whining of any kind. Like ok dude. So I say that I'm dyslexic and need my tablet to do the notes and read the assignments, and that my ADA permissions are on file and


Font - He says "yeah I saw the email but I don't care. You can do the work just like everyone else, you're not special even if you were in special ed" The class goes deadly quiet at that. Im absolutely shocked at his bold and completely hilarious lack of awareness and care for his job. Im staring at him open mouthed and he thinks he's won. He's got this smug little face like I've just been told and they're no other options nor is there any way he'll regret his behavior.


Font - One of the girls in class finally finds her voice and calls hun out in his ableism and lack of decorum but he cuts her off saying "if you don't like my rules, you can drop the class" so she says "okay" and pulled out her laptop and dropped the class right in front of him, and taking the cue from her 3 other students and I do the same and we leave class together. (At the same time)


Font - I've never met this girl before but she then asks me if I want to go to the dean because honestly I'm really shaken so I said yes and we go straight there telling the dean of students what happened as well as the ADA counselor. They took the girls statement and mine, and discovered that this Professor had pulled this shit for years but nobody wanted to get involved. Six months later I hear that not only had the Professor not gotten tenured, but he was fired and blacklisted from teaching a

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