Sunday, February 21, 2021

Bus Driver Strategically Gets Rid of Bus Zone Parkers

It's all about aligning those incentives and consequences. This bus driver was told not to pick people up outside of the designated zones, but dudes just kept parking in those zones, so naturally something had to give. When put in a no-win situation, it's time to change the game. Parking can be a big source of stress and justice, like this one where a guy teaches a lesson to a handicap spot hog.


Font - r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/crazygrof 3 days ago 2 14 20 3 23 E 16 I left 40 guys standing in the rain after a 12 hr shift. oc S Up until fairly recently, I worked as a camp bus driver in a major industrial area. What my duties where, was to pick people up from the camp (where they lived for a certain amount of time, I was two weeks in, one week out) and take them into the plant and drop them off at a variety of dropoff areas (depending on what their job was), then pick up anyone


Font - Now, there where certain designated areas for the buses to pick up and dropoff (you know, a bus stop) and only buses where supposed to be parked in those areas. The issue was that people would keep parking their work pickup in the bus areas and block us off. We kept asking them to not do that, they kept doing it and eventually it all boiled over when a higher-up in the company started giving us shit over picking people up out of the designated areas (because people kept blocking the areas


Font - The second time that higher-up gave us shit over picking people up out of our designated areas, my manager told us (the bus drivers) that the next time this happened that we should let him know via radio and then just leave. So that's what I did. Now, we didn't just spring this on our passengers. We made sure that every single one of them knew, that the next time it was blocked off, that the bus would just continue on it's way and leave them behind. When I spread the news to my passengers


Font - However, the next day, it happened again. There where pickups in our areas once again and like the good little minion I was, I did as I was directed, got on the radio to my manager, let him know what was happening, and left. I understand that there was a number of interesting phone calls afterwards. But we never had a problem with pickups in our areas afterwards.


Font - Stabbmaster 2 days ago S The problem was that you were actively trying to dodge a problem caused by people that didn't give a damn. Once you made it the problem of the person who would have never been affected otherwise, it got dealt with. good on your manager for taking appropriate actions.


Rectangle - robot_ankles 2 days ago 2 4 3 4 E 2 The proper alignment of incentives and consequences can accomplish a great deal.


Font - C_Sha 2 days ago S "You can't pick up passengers outside your designated area Your area is blocked and we won't do a thing You are still expected to pick all passengers only at the blocked area What you mean you didn't pick up everyone?" IT management, but explained with bus drivers


Font - hotlavatube 2 days ago Forty blue-collar workers, tired from a 12 hour shift, soaked from the rain watch their bus drive away without them. Slowly they turn their gaze to the trucks blocking the bus stop... I'm surprised they didn't wreck those trucks!

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