Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Twitter Thread: Man Hides In Pharmacy Counter, CEO Shows Up, Hilarity Ensues

We can't even begin to fathom what kind of overwhelming panic must've possessed this silly lad when he realized his grave error in timing. Every minute must've felt like an hour in the worst way possible. 


Display device - 9:53 1 ull This is me hiding in a pharmacy counter. I used to do this a lot back in the day to scare the other technicians and pharmacists, or hide from particular patients. It was great, until one day, the CEO of the company dropped in for a visit. OWIKS Pm, 499 Tweet your reply


Text - Christian A. Dumais @Puff.. 2h .. Replying to @PuffChrissy I crawled into the counter to scare one of the pharmacists, and while I was waiting, there was suddenly a lot of footsteps and noise behind the counter. I could hear people introducing themselves, and it was clear that everyone there was important. 01 Christian A. Dumais @Puff... · 2h I debated what to do. There was no ... way to come out of the counter without being seen. I couldn't think of a Frasier-like misunderstanding to jus


Text - Christian A. Dumais @PuffC... · 1h 5 minutes turned into 10, and eventually it became 30. ... Rick, one of the pharmacists, mentioned that they should meet me. "He must be on a break," he said. He kept calling me on the store intercom. I did nothing. I was past the point of no return. 91 Christian A. Dumais @PuffC... · 1h · I had a view of people walking by. At one point, the CEO's crotch was all I could see as he was typing ... something in the computer above me. This was a nightmare. St


Text - Christian A. Dumais @PuffC... · 1h 40 minutes into the nightmare of my own making, Rick sees me through the opening. I could see him make the slow realization of what I had ... done across his face. He walked over and leaned against the opening. This is just one of the reasons why Rick was my hero. Christian A. Dumais @PuffC... · 1h ... After nearly an hour, the CEO and the rest of them finally leave. Rick opened the little door to let me out. And basically fell out to the ground as both


Text - Christian A. Dumais @PuffC... 1h .. You know how awful it is to explain a joke to someone? Well, imagine laying on the ground with the CEO of the company looking down at you as you try and explain why you've been hiding inside a cubbyhole for an hour. Q2 8 Christian A. Dumais @PuffC... 1h ... The more I explained, the more delighted the CEO was with what had happened. He had to sit down because he was laughing so hard. Eventually, I was able to stand. We shook hands. "That was by far," he

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