Thursday, December 10, 2020

Landlord Ghosts Tenant Over Security Deposit, Tenant Outwits Landlord

Man, it's stories of pro revenge like this one that end up giving landlords a truly bad rap. This particular landlord decided to get real shady when it came time to pay back their tenant's security deposit. They tried to pull the old ghosting move. Well, that certainly backfired completely for the landlord. After a little research the tenant was able to determine that there was no way their landlord would come out on top in the situation. Must've been real sweet getting to triple that original security deposit. Check out some more landlord drama with this man who took a nuclear revenge on a Karen landlord.


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/Phil_Drill • 3y Ignore me asking for my deposit? That's cool, you can just pay me triple then. tl;dr: My landlord decided to ghost me when it came time to pay me my rental deposit back. The law clearly states I can sue for up to three times the original deposit if l'm not paid in a timely manner, so I used this to punish them for their unwarranted dickery. A few years back I rented a duplex. I lived in it, I moved out. Nothing special. During the move-out inspection


Text - They knew from the lease agreement that we had pets, so of course the first thing the inspector says entering the house is "I smell animals, we'll have to charge you to cost of getting a special pet odor removing cleaning service." We were right there to call him on his bullshit with the invoice and paperwork from the cleaning service that already did a comprehensive clean, including a pet odor package. He quickly dropped that bullshit. Then he found a carpet stain which, despite everyone


Text - They gave us a statement of how much our deposit was, how much they deducted and for what, and how much was left over for us. By the books... until they didn't actually deliver it. I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt but they had our mailing address for our next place and it never turned up. I called them, e- mailed them twice a week asking if they've mailed it or if I can just pick it up from their office. No answer, no reply. They were completely ghosting us.


Text - We found out that the state law says if your deposit (minus deductions) isn't paid within 30 days of vacating, you can take your landlord to court for up to three times the amount of the original deposit, no deductions. We read and studied this law well and concluded that there's no reason we shouldn't be able to fight this and win, no lawyer required. A $90 filing fee later and our landlord was served notice of our intent. Then wo00oah, whaddayaknow! After all that ghosting for 45-ish da


Text - Fuck their low ball offer. I replied reminding them that I can force them to pay three times the deposit, but I will settle out of court for just twice the deposit. Did I need to settle? I don't know, the law says up to three times, so I guess I was worried that if it actually went to court, a judge might decide that the circumstances aren't bad enough to warrant that much more money for me, so it might not be worth the trouble. Twice was good enough for me, and making them lose money ove


Text - They agreed immediately, and said I could pick up the check at their office. When I stopped by, what still confuses me to this day was that they still insisted on showing me the report of all the the things wrong with the house that they had to deduct from the original deposit, like I gave a fuck at that point. That ship had sailed. They were paying me twice the full deposit anyways. They could stick their petty, unfulfilled deductions up their ass. Closing thoughts: Do landlords do this

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