Friday, July 3, 2020

Man Yawns Too Hard, Ends Up In The ER

Wow, talk about a nightmare of a situation. This dude yawned himself right into the ER. Kind of ridiculous and hilarious, and we're just glad that he's okay. 


Text - r/tifu u/VanManRTManVan • 21h + Join 1 1 1 1 TIFU by yawning too hard and ending up in the ER L So this incident was actually this past Friday, when I settled in after a long week to watch a movie with my parents. A couple of minutes in, let loose a big yawn because I was a little worn out after a long week at my internship. Suddenly I felt my jaw kind of "click" into place, which happens sometimes but I can almost always just close it back normally. I should point out that one time about


Text - So after this past incident I assumed that this time the same would happen, that my jaw would just go back into place and let me close my mouth after a few minutes. In the meantime, I was frantically googling how to fix my jaw. After about a half hour of unsuccessful googling (pretty much every result for "jaw dislocation" was "go to the hospital") and trying to hide what was going on from my parents I decided to give up fixing it myself and go see a professional. I obviously couldn't tal


Text - Now at this point both of the joints on the sides of my face are in a lot of pain, but the worst part is really the saliva, because I can't swallow or spit, so it's just pooling up in mouth with nowhere to go. I've got a towel with me but by this point it's almost completely covered in spit (and I accidentally placed it in my lap so


Text - it looks like I had pissed myself too). As I get to the ER my dad goes away to park the car, leaving me to have to explain myself to the the workers there by typing in the Notes app until my dad got there to fill in the gaps in my story. I should also point out that we decided to go to the smaller, older hospital about 5 minutes from our house rather than the than the enormous, brand new one 15 minutes away on the other side of town.


Text - As I get placed into a bed, a large, strong-looking doctor comes in tries to do the typical jaw reduction technique on me, to no avail. He tells the nurses to start me on a muscle relaxant, only to find that the most effective one (I'm not sure what it was, I was put on so many drugs that other night l've lost track of names) was not in stock at this hospital so they gave me a larger dose of a less potent drug. A few minutes after being giving the relaxants he tried again to fix my jaw, t


Text - my a CT scan to make sure that all I had was a jaw dislocation and not any sort of fracture, and on the way back the CT scan room the nurse had me to stop off in a bathroom to puke my guts out. The doctor tried one more time to reposition my jaw before giving up. He claimed it was the first time in his 15 years that he couldn't fix a dislocated jaw manually. At this point the only remaining option was to send me to a larger hospital in the city (this small one didn't have the proper staff


Text - this whole time (meanwhile I had been drifting in and out of consciousness throughout the night), described them finally getting my mouth to close as similar to the scene in King Kong where he defeats the T-Rex and proceeds to play with dinosaur's jaw. I have to give my dad so much credit here for staying awake until we got home 7am, driving me to and from the hospital (even though I offered to drive home in spite of all of the drugs I was on), staying by my side during this whole ordeal,

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