Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Tumblr Thread: What Exactly Han Solo Was Smuggling

With a lot of additions to the Star Wars universe, and the directive that Star Wars should be okay for kids, there was some internal confusion over what "spice" is or does. That is of course until a certain writer had a hilariously direct conversation with George Lucas. People have made some other very humorous and poignant observations on Star Wars, like how Darth Vader is so extra, or this Star Wars fan calling out people's complaints. And for good measure here's a twitter thread on how different Star Wars characters take their coffee.


Text - vanyaliful S novasstillintheair Follow ... prokopetz Follow I know the Star Wars extended universe treats "spice" like it's this big scary drug, but I kind of like to imagine that it's basically just space weed, and the only reason Han got in trouble with the Imperials over Jabba's cargo is that he was evading import tariffs. alexanderrm Follow If we're just looking at mentions in the original trilogy, is there evidence it's even a drug and not something you put on bland food to make it t


Text - prokopetz Follow I am fully prepared to believe that the infamous Han Solo ended up in a life-or-death vendetta with the most notorious crime lord in the galaxy because somebody didn't want to declare taxes on three thousand kilos of cilantro. pagannerd52 Follow Every who pays a certain amount of attention to Star Wars knows this story already, but I was lucky enough to hear it recounted first-hand last year, so l'm gonna give it yet another retelling.


Text - So The Husband and I were at Sci-fi Weekender (a British based annual Sci-fi and Fantasy convention) last year, and one of the guests that year was Kevin J Anderson, one of the very notable Star Wars Expanded Universe writers. During one of the events, a quiet little interview in a cafe on the event site, he fielded a question from an audience member about what it was like to write for a franchise like Star Wars which often had lots of cooks working on one broth, and he had the following


Text - which is where a lot of Spice comes from, these Spice Mines of Kessel, and I got to really describe the effects of this Spice, this terrible drug and the addiction and all this and before publication I get this call, I get this call from the lawyers, and they say "Kevin, you say in this story that Spice is a drug, you can't say that, you can't say that Spice is a drug", and I say "What? What do you mean it's not a drug, of course it's a drug", and they say "Han Solo used to smuggle Spice,


Text - down, and they won't back down, and none of us will back down, and the book is very close to getting pulled, which I don't want because I worked hard on it and they don't want because they already paid me the advance, and eventually, with this great air of superiority they say "OK Kevin, we'll take this to the top. WE’LL TAKE THIS TO GEORGE". And they go to all this trouble, this was a long while ago when such things were not so easy to arrange, they go to all this trouble to set up a con


Text - his new book that Spice is a drug, it's a food additive, tell him it's not a drug, George". And there's this long silence on the other end of the line and eventually George says "It is a drug, though. It's, it's a drug, it's a food-additive? What? Of course it a drug, it's space heroin, what else would it be? What?" And that was then end of that.“ #sw #although i do love the concept of cilantro smuggler han solo 52,693 notes

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