Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Totally Wacky And Funny Tumblr Gems

We're back at it again with a fresh batch of absurd gems from the wonderful minds of the Tumblr community. One thing is for sure, and that is that Tumblr never fails to surprise us with a rabbit hole, or a strange observation, or a humorous insight otherwise overlooked on a show/movie. 

Check out this recent treasure from Tumblr with a thread on demons and angels befriending one another over sandwiches.


Text - S exculis Follow wintermutal Follow my little brother came into my room last night to tell me that he was gonna sew a stack of my mom's saltine crackers together through the little holes and then left again wintermutal Follow i ended up distracting my parents so he could put the crackers back in the little sleeve like hed only taken one from the top. i dont know if anybodys found them yet but i talked to him about it later and it turns out that theyre sewn together TIGHTLY. like, the ENTI


Text - O wintermutal Follow it has been three days and my mom has still not discovered the sewed together cracker stack in the box in the cupboard ilivebetweenjohnsthighs Follow I'm DESPERATE to see the sewn crackers wintermutal Follow


Food - My mom called me annoying so I sewed her


Snack - i have no idea how he accomplished this A wintermutal Follow there seems to be some confusion on how old my little brother is. my little brother is 19, one year younger than me, and is majoring in three separate subjects in uni. he just likes to cause problems on purpose Source: wintermutal 25,441 notes


Text - motherfuckingdragonsyo: I made an old lady blush today at work because she ordered two senior coffees and I said "SENIOR ? I'm sorry miss, i'm going to have to ask to see some ID." and she covered her mouth and went “Oh dear me" and couldn't stop smiling


Text - saturniata okay so one night like a week or two ago kurt was meowing at me and one of the meows sounded like he was saying "hewwo" so since then I started saying “hewwo" instead of meowing back at him (like I do with all his cat sounds, naturally) and slowly his meows evolved into something vaguely "hewwo"like with the one or two True and Powerful Hewwo's a day but now that you have backstory I was just standing in my kitchen making rice, everythings dead silent, and suddenly this fucking


Text - evilauthor I actually got in huge trouble with my fiance's sister for that. One night, I heard Fish meowing and it kinda sounded like she was saying “hello" so I decided to encourage it. If no one was going to try to get the cat to stop screaming at 3am, I wanted to try to get her to scream words so everyone would be as disturbed about it as I was. For the better part of three years, I used treats to reward her when- ever she "spoke" while not letting anyone else know I was trying to teac


Text - Instant chaos. It wasn't even Fish's best words. If she had only said it once, maybe no would have noticed, but the repetition got attention and everyone just lost it. I made the mistake of praising Fish and suddenly I have the sister turn on me. “Are you why she says 'oh no' all the time?" Apparently Fish rarely "meows" properly anymore and will say "Oh no" whenever she's mildly inconvenienced and wants a human to fix it for her. Source: saturniata-remade


Text - whatsbrokencanbefixed My favourite Irish insult is "Go ndéana an diabhal dréimire de chnámh do dhroma ag piocadh úll i ngairdín Ifrinn!" beanie-betty Translation? whatsbrokencanbefixed I hope the devil uses your backbone as a ladder to pick apple's in the garden of hell beanie-betty Holy shit Ireland are you ok whatsbrokencanbefixed There's also one that directly translates to : May your friends have a fine day - burying you beanie-betty That's metal as fuck


Text - candyredterezii Follow honestly saying "oh it comes with lore" about anything that has text explaining the use and or contents is one of the funniest th candyredterezii Follow ehnoshima *looks at the instructions on my ramen package* oh lore? totallyfubar Follow lore on my ramen package call that uhhhhh flavor text


Bird - simnostalgia Fun Fact: Despite how many times The Sims has changed art styles, they'll often reuse assets by just slightly altering them for the new game. One example of this is the pigeon model that they've been reusing and slightly changing since 2004. pizzaback why fix something if it aint broke


Text - JELL:O Jaro hot-jello me during reasonable hours of the day: i never want to do anything in my life Ever me at 3 am: I Have To Learn How To Play The Piano Immediately Source: hot-jello 41,219 notes


Text - coldsweatsandsneakers: So today a little girl came into the library where I work in an Elsa costume and she looked just like Elsa and my boss made the mistake of walking up to her and saying "well hello, princess, how are you?" and the little girl just says “Excuse me, I am a queen" and walks away


Text - literally-a-piece-of-trash Follow Ah yes, the 5 love languages: touch starved my parents never told me they are proud of me • i love Stuff im so fucken tired please god just let me rest for 5 minutes hey pay attention to me thenuwandalton Follow What's going on? It's annoying or not interesting I'm in this photo and I don't like it I think it shouldn't be on Facebook It's spam


Text - finalfantasie-remade-deactivate while you studied the blade I studied the blade too we were classmates iamfuckingtrash hey bro is there any blade homework due tomorrow


Product - e glixbitch me writing a sentence I will pepper in 1000 commas fandomsficsandfeels I feel attacked


Text - mothman @LEVKAWA how to tell whena bilingual character was not written by a bilingual person 101 "Hola ¿Qué pasa?" Lance said. "Uh...what?" "Ah, sorry. It's hard to switch back sometimes. What's up?" He corrected. gunvolt im going to have a stroke prideling Instead try... Person A: You know... the thing Person B: The "thing"? Person A: Yeah, the thing with the little-! "mutters under their breath Como es que se llama esa mierda... THE FISHING ROD


Text - artykyn As someone with multiple bilingual friends where English is not the first language, may I present to you a list of actual incidents I have witnessed: Forgot a word in Spanish, while speaking Spanish to me, but remembered it in English. Became weirdly quiet as they seemed to lose their entire sense of identity. • Used a literal translation of a Russian idiomatic expression while speaking English. He actually does this quite regularly, because he somehow genuinely forgets which idio


Text - Meant to inform her (French) parents that bread in America is baked with a lot of preservatives. Her brain was still halfway in English Mode so she used the word "préservatifes." Ended up shocking her parents with the knowledge that apparently, bread in America is full of condoms. • Defined a slang term for me.. with another slang tem. In the same language. Which I do not speak. Was talking to both me and his mother in English when his mother had to revert to Russian to ask him a question


Cartoon - Me about to tell her I missed the bus my mom sleeping monsterpromlgbt than anything currently being shown off in the National History Museum This picture conveys more emotion

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