Mom-fluencers are objectively the worst. Half the time, they're the type of parents that film their child's tantrums to teach their 20,000 followers how to manage meltdowns, but in real life they're forgetting to give their kid any genuine attention, they're late to pick them up from school because they were live-streaming at Target, and they're the parent that would rather get those likes instead of putting a bandaid on their kiddo's scraped knee. A mommy influencer is always hunting for their next viral post…
That being said, one woman recently encountered a Karenish mom-fluencer in the wild. At a children's park, OP was observing her kids playing on a play structure alongside all of the other parents that day. With 30 kids running around at the peak time of day, there were a lot of parents there on the bench enjoying the day. In walks a mom-fluencer with a 6 month old baby in her arms, flaunting fake flowers and other props for her photoshoot. Nobody really paid any attention to the wannabe mommy-and-me until she started barking orders at the kids, screaming at them, and taking over the playground slide.
Keep scrolling for the full tale on how the parents at the park totally pwned the mom-fluencer monster and saved the park from her Godzillian takeover. For more out-of-pocket stories from the playground, check out this tale of an after school teacher suffering from the flu who was forced to come to work because her boss thought she was bluffing.
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