Saturday, July 15, 2023

'Why wasn't I at my desk? I'll tell you why': Karen Boss asks where employee went after berating her, employee CC's all of HR in her response

Here's a great reminder to be careful what you say out loud at work. It shouldn't matter if you are the lowest-level employee at your company or the CEO, but regrettable words will undoubtedly be held against you, especially if you are already widely disliked by your department. 


That's exactly what happened to this Karen boss, who frequently berated her employees, one of whom shared this post on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. She would always complete what her Karen boss asked of her, albeit with a little sass that she attributes to being in her twenties at the time. When the employee was five months pregnant, Karen asked her to do something and OP said she was on it but added a slightly sassy "whatever." This prompted Karen to mutter something under her breath that OP and a fellow coworker heard.


We'll let you scroll below to see exactly what was uttered, but let's just say that OP was understandably upset. She cooled off at employee healthcare (they worked at a hospital). Once she returned to her desk, she saw a number of emails from Karen asking why she hadn't been at her desk. That's when OP decided to reveal that she heard exactly what Karen said about her… but not just to Karen. She also let all of HR and Karen's bosses know as well.


Keep scrolling below to learn what happened next. For more stories like this, check out this post about a coworker's parking fiasco. 

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