Saturday, July 15, 2023

'[She] began playing a film without headphones': Flight attendant makes passenger apologize to woman playing a movie out loud on the plane

Typically, when you're in the right of something, you expect might expect an apology from the person who has wronged you. You probably wouldn't expect yourself to be the one apologizing… if that were the case, wouldn't that make you the one in the wrong?

There will be times in our lives when it seems like the entire world is against us, where we're absolutely certain we've done everything right and nothing wrong, and—yet, everyone else seems to think otherwise. This can lead us to wonder, are we wrong? Is our entire perspective skewed? Or are we being collectively gaslit by an entire community of people who have it wrong for some reason?

If you find yourself in this position, maybe take a step back, look at things from a different perspective, and appeal to someone (or some people) who are removed from the situation to gain theirs.

That's what this airline passenger did when he had a confrontation with another passenger on a plane after the other passenger began watching a movie without headphones through the speakers of her phone at 1 AM. After suffering an hour of this, the passenger tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, asking her to please put on headphones and triggering an explosive reaction.

When the flight attendant came past, she attempted to resolve the issue, appealing to the passengers in the row in front to see whether or not the noise was bothering them. It wasn't, as they, of course, were wearing noise-canceling headphones. This led the flight attendant—self-elected judge and executioner—to demand that the first passenger apologize to the one refusing to use headphones.

For anyone born yesterday, playing media out loud in a public space or on public transport is a bad move. Just don't do it. There's no doubt that the passenger playing media out loud was in the wrong here. And, yet, the first passenger was forced to turn to the internet to appeal to readers and see whether or not they were in the wrong for their role in the exchange.

They shared their account of events with a popular workplace subreddit, where readers shared their thoughts.

Read on to see their account of events and the reader's responses. Next, see this passenger who confronted another loud-talking passenger on their flight which led to a confrontation.

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