Monday, April 3, 2023

'Funniest wrong number text I've ever gotten': 25+ Failed text conversations that will make you facepalm

Texting is a must in these modern times — it's how basically everyone, from teens to the elderly, communicates with each other. That's probably why it's so funny when there are miscommunications over text. It happens a lot! And these fine folks posted their funniest texts online so that we can all share in the hilarity. 

One form of trolling that's pretty innocent and silly is people who get messages from wrong numbers and just run with it. They pretend to be the person the text was intended for. And since they're typing it all out, there are no consequences for them! Usually, they'll text for a while before giving up the gambit, and it's wholesome and funny at the same time. 

Ready for more cringe? Click here to read about the most embarrassing phases these people ever went through. 

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