Thursday, August 18, 2022

A Loot-Sack of Lord of the Rings Memes For Your Consideration

There are a few unfortunate characters in Tolkien's stories of Middle Earth who just had a terrible time. The most notable and exceptional of these characters is the cursed Túrin Turambar from "The Children of Húrin," which is a personal favorite of mine from the novels created from the Christopher Tolkien edited manuscripts. 

I thought that this absolutely heartbreaking tragedy of a tale would make an excellent opening for a "funny lotr memes list" and I'll take any chance to talk about Tolkien legendarium, so you're welcome in advance. 

(Spoilers for "The Children of Húrin" ahead, so fair warning to stop reading here if it's on your must-reads list.)

Túrin is Tolkien's analog for Sophocles's classic tragedy "Oedipus Rex," and he lived in the First Age of Middle Earth. The two share multiple similarities, including unwittingly-incestuous relationships with estranged family members. Oedipus classically weds his mother Yocasta after murdering his father, the king. Túrin, meanwhile, unknowingly discovered his nude amnesiac sister, Niënor, on the grave of his murdered elven love in an elaborate plot laid by Glaurung, the first dragon of middle earth. 

Despite the entirely non-romantic of the estranged sibling's reunion the two fell in love and wed. When Túrin defeats Gaurung in the story's climax, Gaurung removes the amnesia curse he placed on the now-pregnant Niënor, who remembers that her husband is actually her brother and commits suicide. 

This poor bastard's life makes Golumn's possession by the ring and subsequent cave-dwelling days look like a stay at a holiday resort in comparison. 

There are other similarities between the two that I'll save for another time. That's enough delightful excitement and mood-setting for now. Fantastic book. 

Enjoy this collection of Lord of the Rings memes

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