Work is a thankless task. Unless you count a steady paycheck as thanks. In that sense, getting to sleep in a home and buy things is pretty cool. But other than that, totally thankless. And when your job lacks just the right amount of oversight, it's pretty easy to make mistakes. Even if it's literally your one job to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s, you're bound to confuse them every once in a while, and no one wants to look at great big bouncing itiites. Don't even ask what happened to the guy who minded the "p"s and "q"s.
So let's take an opportunity to celebrate the ones who totally screwed up. They deserve their thanks at least for making the world a more interesting, if also slightly more incomprehensible place.
People screw up on the job a lot. Here are some "not my job" moments of unprofessional absurdity.
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