This guy saved up for a year for a $4k engagement ring for his girlfriend, hoping to take the next step with her. He could not have possibly anticipated what would happen to that ring when he accepted his brother's family into his home after his brother lost his job.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by the owner of the ring. He posted the subject to appeal to readers and gauge whether or not he was in the wrong for kicking his brother's family out after his nephew stole the ring. The initial thread was titled "AITA for kicking my brother and his family out after his son stole my engagement ring?"
He has now returned with an update to the initial story to provide commenters some closure as to what happened to the ring and to explain how everything has played out since that time.
The original thread is first (Items 1-10) with the update following (from item 11.)
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