When someone screws up super hard, it's easy enough to just call them a dumb asshole. But many of us hear that so often, the words fall like water off a goose's nasty dumper. So what we need are insults that really cut someone down without upsetting anyone else at Thanksgiving. Or at least insults that are clever enough to afford us plausible deniability were someone to actually get mad after we call them some version of a gaping wound in the collective progress of mankind.
We could also learn to be less critical, but we're only gonna do that when people stop screwing up so hard. So before Jeff in accounting learns to suck less, we're gonna have to take it out in a semi-acceptable, yet still completely disrespectful way.
For some extremely specific insults that have probably never been said before, here are some rare insults that left people uniquely destroyed.
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