Keeping your hands to yourself is a pretty general rule we all learn early in life, but some people — like the night club patron in this story from Reddit's r/pettyrevenge — apparently need to be reminded of that message as adults. Redditor u/NIMTYPE0 described a shift at their job at a nightclub in which a customer at the club decided to tug on his hair while he was working, collecting empty cups and generally keeping the club clean for customers. When the OP told the customer not to touch him, the customer just laughed — that is, until the employee got club security involved and told them to kick the rude guy out.
While security pulled the guy outside, our OP sounds like he was pretty shaken up from having someone actually touch them while at work, which we can all agree is a big no-no. When the OP passed the customer again later in the shift, the guy actually apologized, though with a weird claim that he was actually trying to shake OP's hand when he grabbed his hair. The head bouncer at the club eventually kicked this annoying customer and his friend out, sending a message that you absolutely cannot touch an employee while they are at work. For more tales of revenge that take place in bars, check out this bar owner who got revenge on a lazy bartender.
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